Let's go camping!

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"Oh this is so stupid. This is such a bad idea." I say more to myself but I know my girlfriend heard me.

"Don't tell me your scared Y/N." Camila says laughing at me.

"Yes actually I am horrified." I say looking all around us. "Your idiot friend calls you when her dumbass boyfriend decides it'll be a great idea to go camping in a haunted forest and you very stupidly agreed to come along." I say frustrated about this situation.

"Did you just call me stupid?" She says looking at me.

"Maybe I did. Ya know why? Because this is stupid and your the one who said 'yea sure we'll go'. So yea your stupid." I say frowning the whole time. She punches my arm and tries to walk ahead of me but I just pull her right back to me. "Oh no your not leaving me baby. Honestly your lucky i'm not wrapped around your fuckin' neck." I tell her very seriously. I'm so scared. Who's really dumb enough to stay in some scary ass woods? This is not safe and bad things always happen here.

"Stop being such a baby Y/N, it's not that bad babe." She says. Is that supposed to make me feel better?

"Alright, this is a good spot." The idiot who orchestrated this whole thing says. I don't even know his name. I didn't care enough to learn it because I don't like him.

"Y/N/N, can you put our tent up baby. I don't know how to do it." Camila says wrapping her arms around my waist. I love her, I really do but this is just stupid. We used to hear these stories when we were younger about all the bad things that have happened here and all the people who died. All i've heard my whole life was 'never go in the forest' but here I am, right in the middle of it, all because of this big dumb motherfucker.

"Ok well come help me." I say setting everything down. It doesn't take us very long to set the tent up. We go camping a lot but not here. Never here.

"So we need fire wood. How about we go look for some Y/N?" The idiot asks.

"Um no thanks you go ahead and do that. I'm gonna stay right here." I tell him. I squeeze Camila a little tighter as I pull her into me more. Maybe i'm just paranoid but if something actually happens, I don't want her to get hurt.

"What, are you scared Y/N?" He asks laughing at me.

"Actually yea I am." I say staring at the ground. "So you and Leah can go get the firewood if you want." I tell him.

"Geez your an asshole huh?" He says laughing again. I get up to punch him in his stupid face but Camila pulls me back down and tells me to calm down. I'm fuckin' scared, I can't calm down.

They eventually leave to go look for wood and me and Camila just stay seated in our little chairs. "Relax baby. Your so tense." She says rubbing my arm.

"Camz, can we please leave?" I beg.  

Her face softens once she see's my horrified expression. She sits in my lap and wraps her arms around my neck, mine immediately wrapping around her waist. "Baby it's ok. Nothing bad is gonna happen. Those stories are just that. Stories. So just relax ok." She kisses my neck and I sigh. Maybe she's right and i'm just being overdramatic. "I would help you relax right now but I don't know when they'll be back." She says smirking at me.

The sun starts setting and I realize they've been gone a little to long. "Camz they've been gone for a while babe." I say kind of panicked.

"I'm sure there fine baby, don't worry." She says caressing my cheek. I try not to think about anything bad and just hope it's hard to find wood..in the middle of the woods..where theres lots of trees. Oh come on they should be back by now. Something happened I know it.

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