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"One second." i said. "Tahiti!!! can you come here for a second" i yelled. After a few seconds i 

heard the clicking of her heels on the hardwood floor.  Once i seen she hit the corner and she

 stopped in her tracks. She looked at the guy with surprise and the tears started to well up in her 

eyes .

"Dad." she said.


"Dad?" i said with confusion. 

                                                              we stood there in awkward silence.

"Tahiti, what do you mean.. dad!? i said to my sister ."Our parents are dead." i continued.

"i thought that too but either i'm seeing things or our father is standing in the doorway  right now." she explained.

                       we both looked over to the man who was still standing in the doorway.

                                                i cleared my throat prompting him to speak.  

                                                        "oh...um can i come in." he asked 

              " do you really need to ask, it is your mothers house." i said with a slight attitude.

                  with that he walked in and closed the door. he proceeded to take off his coat and hat.

I've always seen pictures of him growing up but seeing him in person was so surreal. i wanted to

 touch him to make sure he's real but i'm a little upset. i can see Tahiti when i look at him which

is weird... for me at least. 

                                             " i want to explain , what happened" he said

                         "okay, let's  go to the living room and talk please."  Tahiti said

we walked into the living room and took our seats on the couch while he sat on one of the chairs

                                  "okay let me explain from the beginning ." he started.

" yes, me and your mother were in a accident 10 years ago, but i made it out. we hit a rail on the 

side of the road and then span out of control into a ditch in the snow. of course our air bags 

went of but little did i know that airbag was a crucial part in your mother living or dying. She

 was still awake. i decided to go out and try and find some help. i covered your mom up with my 

coat to make sure she didn't freeze. as i was walking down the side of the road trying to get 

someones attention. i decided to take a quick break from walking. little did i know that i 

basically passed out. i was awoken by a paramedic . i assume he came when someone spotted 

the crashed. they took me and your mother to the hospital. i didn't have any of my identification

 on me , it was in the coat i put on your mother. so i guess they put me down as a john doe. after 

they ran some test on me, it came back that i had gotten really sick and they wanted me to stay 

a couple more days. while i was recovering i went to the front desk to ask about your mom. 

That's when i found out she didn't make it . i was ... traumatized by the news. she died from a 

severe injury to brain from the airbags. i went back to my room, locked the door and cried for 

hours and hours. i felt so empty ." he explained as his voice started to crack. 

" i guess the police assumed that the driver of the car died as well instead. so they just ran with 

it." he continued trying to keep his tears at bay. 

"uh okay that explains one thing but what about you not being around for 10 years.? you missed

 birthdays, graduations, other major milestones." Tahiti explained

"i know , i know.. i just felt like after your mother passed. you guys would blame me for her 

death and the guilt was eating me alive.. especially since tahani looks so much like her. it would 

be a daily reminder. " he said as he laid his hands .

Me and Tahiti looked at each other as our father who we thought was dead was sitting across 

from us crying his eyes out.

" dad.. its going to take us sometime to get used to you being around but you're our father and 

we can't just abandon you when you need us the most. you're family." tahiti said as she sat on 

the arm of the chair placing her hand on his shoulder.

a minute of awkward silence 

"do you want to meet your grandson.? " Tahiti asked him.

he looked up from his hands and looked up at  Tahiti.

"i have a grandson." he asked. 

tahiti nodded her head with a smile.

"do you also want to stay for dinner." she asked.

"i would love to , if that's okay with you guys." he asked.

"its fine." me and tahiti said in unison.

"you'll also get to meet my husband mike and tyler and his mom." she continued.

"Olivia's here." he said with slight shock.

"is that okay." i asked him

"yeah its fine , i just haven't seen her in years." he explained.

once we got back to the dining room , Tahiti introduced our father to everyone, Michael was 

shocked and so was Olivia but Tahiti told Michael she'd explain later and our dad told Olivia

 he'll explain everything.  After dinner the night went on with everyone laughing and 

reminiscing .  once my dad got ahold of mason he didn't want to let go ... the night let go on a 

good note.


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