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                                   Today is the day of the baby shower. I am so excited.

I brought Noah, Kendra, and chase with me to help me and Tyler set up. We decided to make

it co-ed . so that Michael and his guy friends can attend and he not feel so out numbered. Me 

and chase are back to our normal selves. when i got back after my last visit we talked and i 

explained to him where my mind was and why i was so distant from everyone.  He understood

and told me to next time to just talk to him and don't bottle it up. I feel lucky to have met him 

and to call him my friend. Although its only been a few months.  We walked into the venue, 

Tyler had the banner up already and all we had to do is set up the tables , make the food is 

set and also the cake and drinks. It took us a couple hours to get everything together.

"Good job guys it looks pretty awesome in here." I said. "I appreciate you guys for helping us."

"no problem" They said in unison

"you know we don't mind helping " chase said as he put his arm on my shoulders. 

I smiled up at him and got lost in those green orbs he called eyes.  

"why don't you two just make out already."  Noah said sarcastically which caused

kendra to smack him something fierce upside his head.  which snapped us out of 

our obvious loved filled haze. 

"what do you mean. we are just friends. " i said chuckling nervously. 

Noah gave me the bish really face.

"Come on guys . its obvious you two like one another, why don't you guys just start dating." He asked.

I looked at kendra and asked a little unsure, "is it really that obvious." 

"Yeah ." She said giving me a sympathetic look. i looked down at my feet for a second. 

Like how haven't i caught the signs. I knew  i was catching feelings for him but i didn't know

the feeling was mutual. I had racked my brain and decided to keep my emotions at bay since its

my sisters special day.

I got pulled out of my thoughts by someone calling my name. 

"Nani, Tahani" the voice said. I looked up to find my brothers bright green eyes.  

i straighten my dress and collected my thoughts 

"Yeah , yeah i'm fine just lost in my thoughts." i told him.

"you, sure." he asked looking a little concerned.

"Yeah, i'm good." i said giving a reassuring smile. " lets finish up here and get this party started 

huh." i  continued.

"As long as you're alright. lets give our sister the best damn baby shower, k baby sis." he said 

pulling me into a side hug. it felt good to have a brother . the safeness i once felt with my father

i'm starting to feel once again since meeting tyler.

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