Chapter-15 A day to remember:In the club

Start from the beginning

I needed to head back soon so I took the phone and typed in one of my numbers. I noticed few of the guys listening to our conversation. Yoon Joo was giving me all the attention ignoring them completely.

"There you go....go to go now," I said handing back her phone.

As I exited the room, I waved back to everyone.

"Keep in touch, oppa."

She shouted at me.

"Sure,"I replied smiling back and left the room.

I made my way back to the bar.The number of people in the club was increasing. It was late, but here the night has just started.

I spotted Jack from behind. I reached the bar to find him and Mandy sitting together and Mandy laughing to one of his wise jokes.

"Hey man, whats up? You back already,"Jack asked me , grinning and slapping my hands in greeting.

"Yeah, I came back" I replied looking around.

"Where's Ava"?

I asked him not seeing her.

"Whoa, she's here only. You didn't noticed?"

He said pointing at her.

I saw her sitting nearby, with her head lying down on the table.

"What happened?!"

I was startled to find her like that.

"Dude, she had few more cocktails...I did ask her"

Jack replied lifting both his hands to show that it wasn't his fault.

I heard Mandy muttering in her breath.

"I think, it was quite natural thing to do".

Jack nudged her, giving her a ' to shut up' look.

Suddenly Ava lifted up her head and straightens up looking around, a dazed look on her face.

"Min Ho ssi, you are back?! Annyeong"

She waved her hand at me, a big smile on her face.

I slipped into the seat next to her. She had let her hair down, her long black hair now framing her flushed round face. It was the first time time I noticed that she had beautiful long hair.

I just hope she handles the drink well.She seem to hear my thoughts. She smiled looking at me,

"Min Ho ssi , I am absolutely fine. Please don't worry...I just had few more cocktails".

"Few? Is that the why you passed out before?"

I asked her trying to sound annoyed.

"I didn't pass out. I just felt asleep...I think I dozed off"

She replied her eyes now wide awake.

"Dozed off?!

"As in you slept in the bar?!"


She was nodding her head furiously. I couldnt help smiling at her silly answer.

"Ahh...sincha! really ?!"

I replied mumbling shaking my head.

She was looking really cute now, her eyes eagerly searching my face to see if I was angry.

"Min Ho ssi, did you wanted to spend the evening with your friends? Its fine, you don't have to stay with me. Jack and Mandy are with me. I mean you already did so much for me....."

She asked me suddenly.

"No, its nothing like that. I promise to spend the day with you, remember?"

I replied smiling at her. It was true, but more then that I was having a nice time with her... Jack and Mandy were good company too.

"Kumawoyo(thank you), Min Ho ssi"

She replied slowly looking at me, her eyes meeting mine.

"Hey you still grilling her? She 's fine, just a little tipsy."

Mandy was mockingly scolding me as she came near us.

"Isn't that a bollywood number,Mandy?!"

Ava suddenly asked excitedly on hearing the inhouse DJ playing a dance number.

The dance floor was getting filled up with people and the DJ had started playing club songs, a mixture of all time popular international club numbers.

"I know that one! Its the new single by Akon,"exclaimed Mandy joining in her excitement.

Bollywood song?In a club in Amsterdam?!You must be kidding me, I thought not believing they were actually playing it.

"Lets go hit the dance floor"

Mandy shouted, the music now blaring loudly.

"Can I go Min Ho ssi?"

Ava asked as she looked at me.

"Hold it, you want to dance?"

I was questioning her to see if I heard her right.

"Yeah, I want to", she replied.

I just nodded my head.

"Lets go girl"

Mandy took her hand leading her to dance floor.

"I will be right back"

I heard her shouting back , waving her hand at me.

"Can you believe, a bollywood song playing here? Cool! "

Jack came beside me and sat down with his drink.

"Yeah, I know,"I replied laughing.

I scanned the dance floor not at all expecting to see her dance. I mean she didn't look like the type to shake a leg in a club.

I was so wrong.

I could see both of them moving to the music on the dance floor. People were liking the song very much. But more then that, Ava was attracting a lot of attention. She was showing Mandy some typical bollywood dance moves her hips swaying to the music. I expected her to be clumsy but here she was completely at ease and dancing like nobody was watching her.

"Hey man, I think I will join them"

Jack shouted at me ,seeing Mandy signalling him to come.

"You go ahead"

I shouted back as he headed towards them.

I couldn't help laughing as I saw Jack unsucessfully trying to copy Ava's bollywood moves.

What I didn't notice was, Ava was also attracting a lot of unwanted male attentions.

There were so many people in the dance floor, it was hard to see them.

As the crowd parted, I saw few guys dancing near her.

I saw a familiar face. It was the guy I met at the VIP room. Ava seem to have caught their attention as they were dancing close to her.Too close for comfort. I muttered under my breath.

I remember I didn't like the vibes I had from him, when I first met him. Jack and Mandy were busy with each other.

I just got up and made my way through the crowd towards them.

I slowly walked up to them and stood behind her, giving the guys a meaningful look telling them that she was with me.

He seem surprised seeing me there with her and he slowly backed off wth his friends, a disgruntled look on his face.

Ava suddenly turned, a surprised look on her face on seeing me. She didn't noticed the eye exchange that took place just before.

"Min Ho ssi, you are here?! "

I heard her speaking to me.

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