Chapter 11: This Is What Happens When You Lie

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Sparkle's dreams were haunted that night. Every time she would finally drift off, she saw all of Equestria being destroyed by the former king of the stars. Finally, she have up and got out of bed.

The early morning sunlight filtered through the doors of her balcony as she got ready for the day. When she had finished, she went down to the dining hall for breakfast.

Star Shadow was already there, for she was living in the castle now with her mother, and Samuel joined them not long after.

"Princess. A letter for you." A guard said as he knelt before Sparkle.

"Thank you." Sparkle said as she took the scroll with her magic.

She opened it and read it. It said:

'Dear Princess Sparkle Shimmer,

Luna and I would like to inform you that for the safety of all Equestria, we will be traveling to every kingdom to check on things.

We would like you to be ready for our arrival and report any finds you have to us.

Also, we would like you to use the magic of friendship to help give the ponies hope. For as you know, every kingdom relies on a specific kind of magic to fuel it. Mine and Luna's, friendship. Cadence's, love. And yours and Samuel's, happiness.

Thank you for your patience and hard work.

With all our best wishes,

Princess Celestia'

Sparkle read the letter aloud to Samuel and Star.

"I get to meet Princess Celestia? AND Luna?!" Star bounced up and down excitedly.

"Yes, but you must be respectful. These are dangerous times for our kingdom, and I need your help to keep it safe." Sparkle said as Star nodded.

"So, what are we going to do?" Samuel asked.

"Whatever we have to." Sparkle decided.

She would stop Cosmus, whatever the cost.


Tia and Luna arrived the next day. Sparkle and Samuel discussed with them everything they had learned. Or, almost everything. Sparkle could tell Samuel was leaving something out, something important.

After Celestia and Luna left, Sparkle confronted him about it.

"What are you hiding?" Sparkle asked him, backing him into a corner.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Samuel exclaimed.

"I'm not an idiot Samuel. I love you, I know you. Please, tell me what's going on." Sparkle pleaded.

"Nothing is going on. I told Tia and Lu Lu everything I know." Samuel insisted.

Sparkle's eyes glared at him, but she began crying at the same time.

"Why don't you trust me?!" She cried as she ran back to her room.

She lay on the bed, still crying and ignoring Sam's pleading tone at the door with Moondrop whining at his hooves outside. Eventually, he gave up and went away.

"He doesn't trust you...." A soft voice whispered in her ear.

She shot up in her bed.

"Who's there? Show yourself! By order of the princess!" Sparkle exclaimed.

" deserve to be trusted...." The voice whispered again.

Sparkle felt her mind slipping away, her sanity along with it. Whatever this was, it had picked a sore spot on her mind and was taking over.

"Y-yes. I do." She found herself mumbling.

"But he doesn't.....if he really loved you, he would tell you the truth......"

"He doesn't really love me..." Sparkle sighed, sobbing again.

"He doesn't deserve a mare like you.....and he goes around keep secrets.....lying.....hiding...." The voice was convincing her now.

"Yes! He does! What right does he have?" Sparkle exclaimed.

"Stop this are strong enough......let me help you...." The voice was string and loud, determined.

"Yes, you will help me! And together, we will take our revenge!!" Sparkle exclaimed, standing and facing her mirror.

Suddenly, dark power wrapped around her horn and filled her body. Her pink coat turned dark purple. Her mane was black with red streaks and flowing wildly and glittering, but with dark beauty. Her eyes became slits, and turned silver. Her cutie mark became a blood red heart with black sparkles around it. And finally, on her head was was a dark gray metal tiara that coiled around her ears.

She smiled wickedly at herself in the mirror, evil power flooding her and giving her strength and confidence. With this extra power, Samuel better watch out, she was a match for him now.

She narrowed her eyes, laughing wickedly and exclaimed:

"I am Midnight Shimmer! And I will destroy all things that cause me pain!"

~Princess Sparkle Shimmer

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