Going Home :)

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"You get to come home Ariana!" Kristen said to her daughter as she was getting her dressed. Ariana’s weight was still low but she stopped taking bottles for the nurses at night and would only let Kristen or Rob feed her and since her parents couldn’t stay the night. The doctors were letting her go home as long as she saw the pediatrician in 1 week. Other than that Ariana was healthy and ready to go home. Rob came back with the car seat and Kristen got their daughter settled in it. The nurse came in and inspected the car seat and did vitals on Ariana while she was in it. After what felt like forever, they were ready to go. Kristen carried the hospital bag while Rob carried the car seat containing there sleeping daughter. Kristen took the sign that had been by the hospital room door that had the baby’s name with a pink teddy bear next to it.

Ariana P

It said in bold letters. And yes they gave her Robs last name.. Her full name was

Ariana Rain Pattinson

As soon as they got outside the hospital room they were surrounded with hugs and good lucks from all the nurses and a banner they had made that said

Congratulations Ariana on going home

Kristen’s eyes filled with tears as she hugged the nurses and thanked them for taking care of her family. They walked through the hospital doors ready to start there life as a family. Rob got Ariana settled in the car and Kristen stayed in the back with her daughter. After 4 days they were finally going home.

When they got home Rob put the car seat on the couch while Kristen went to the bathroom and made sure the dogs were gated off in the kitchen. Cole started barking loudly while Kristen sternly told her to quiet down. Ariana started to wake up and Cole just got louder making the baby start crying. Rob went to take the dogs for a walk while Kristen went over and got Ariana out of her seat resting her against her chest while she sat down on the couch. "Ari your ok baby. I know the doggy scared you. shh" Kristen whispered to her daughter as she laid Ariana in her lap. Kristen shifted her daughter next to her laying down next to her and pulling her close. Ariana settled back into a deep slumber and so did Kristen with her arm protectively around her baby girl.

10 min

Rob came back with the dogs and left them in the back yard while he went and checked on his family. He walked into the living room to find both his girls asleep on the couch. He giggled but let them be while he went and made sure everything was ready upstairs and made Ariana a bottle for later. Kristen and the baby slept for another hour until Ariana decided that she was hungry and let them both know that. Rob watched Kristen as she kept her arm around Ariana slowly sitting up. Rob came into the room handing Kristen a bottle, watching as Kristen shifted Ariana into her arms and started feeding her. Rob sat next her and Kristen put her head on his shoulder. They both watched the baby eat and Rob burped her after she was done. Kristen laid down on the couch with her head resting on the arm rest, Rob carefully laid Ariana on her mother's chest and then went and put on a movie as he sat on the end of the couch. Kristen scooted over and invited Rob to lay next to her and he couldn't resist that. He laid next to them and Kristen put her head on his chest and he put his arm around her chest. With Ariana curled up sleeping right under Kristen’s chin.

2 hour later

The movie got over with and Kristen slowly sat up careful not the jostle the baby. Rob got up to let the dog's in one at a time. To see how they would react to Ariana. Cole came in first and went right over to Kristen but stopped in her tracks and tilted her head as she spotted the baby. She slowly came up and sniffed her and then whined a little bit making Kristen giggle

"Your new sister Cole! Except this one is human." Rob told Cole

Cole looked at Kristen and then proceeded to lick Ariana, making the baby stir awake in Kristen arms.

"Well I think Cole likes her" Kristen said

"Definitely" he said as he grabbed Coles collar. "Ok girl that's enough."

Next up was Bear. He came in sniffing around obviously picking up on the new scent in the house. He found Kristen on the couch and went over to her, he spotted the baby and went over sniffing the blanket the baby was wrapped in. He looked at Kristen and then wandered off
"I doubt he cares" Rob said

"Yeah well at least he's not aggressive."

Last up was Bernie. He came in and went up to Kristen nuzzling the blanket. He spotted the baby and started whining and licking her. Kristen started laughing.

"We're going to have to give her a bath." Kristen said

"Yes we will have too."

Ariana started crying as Rob and Kristen failed to realize that Bernie was still licking her. Rob got up pulling Bernie away as Kristen readjusted the baby to up against her chest.

"Shh sweetie, your ok. Your going to have to get used to that." Kristen said giggling at their daughter. "Let's get you a bath baby girl." Kristen cooed to their  daughter as she got up and headed upstairs

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