Our Little Family

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After Kristen left to get some sleep I pulled the chair closer right next to Ariana. I still was in shock. we were parents now and that this baby depended on us so much and these machines. Ariana started to cry, well at least you could tell she was crying. I got up and stroked her hand. and then snuck out to the hallway and let the nurse know she needed a diaper change. she showed me how to do it and then handed Ariana over to me. I sat in the chair resting her against my chest. I was already falling in love with her..my little girl


The nurse came in and said that visiting hours were over and that we could come back in the morning. Kristen still wasn't back, and the nurse said she was still asleep. I kissed Ariana and handed her over to the nurse. I slowly made my way back to Kristen's room. I slowly went in and saw she was still asleep. I went over and sat in the chair slowly dozing off...until I was asleep


No ones POV

I woke up to someone voice and realized it was Kristen's

"Hey, you're awake"

"Yeah, how long was I out?" Kristen asked Rob

"About 8 hours."

"Oh god..wait..why aren't you with Ariana?" Kristen asked Rob worried

"oh, they shooed me out. visiting hours were done at 8. they said we can come back in the morning."

"visiting?? she's our daughter for christ sake."

Rob couldn't help but giggle. "I agree there hun but she in the best care. believe me."

The next day

it was 9 am and Kristen and Rob had both ate and they both wanted to go see Ariana. Kristen insisted she wanted to walk. Rob put his arm around Kristen's waist but she was walking like she didn't just give birth yesterday. he couldn't help but giggle.


We walked into her room and Ariana was asleep. I stroked her hand and she closed her hand around my finger. "good morning beautiful." I whispered to her. the nurse came in

"She's been doing great all night. the doctor gave us the go-ahead to take her breathing tube out, so thats what were going to do. the nurse came over and I stepped back. as soon as she touched the tube Ariana woke up. as she peeled the tape back off her face Ariana started crying.

"you wanna hold her mom while we do this?"

"yes, please."

I sat in the chair and the nurse put Ariana in my arms. I stroked her cheek letting her know she was alright.

The nurse went back to work slowly taking the tape off of her. I held Ariana's hand and just kept talking to her. "Your ok baby" The nurse counted down before removing the tube

1,2,3 she pulled the tube out. And immediately Ariana cried. Her cry was so adorable, she sounded like a kitten. "Shh baby don't strain your throat."

"Yeah her throat will be sore which might cause her to be aggravated. We will give her something through her IV to help with that. Do you want to try and feed her? See how she does."

"Yes, that would be great."

The nurse left and I shifted Ariana against my chest more. I let her suck on my finger while we waited for the nurse. The nurse came in and handed me the bottle. And I brushed it against Ariana's lips and as soon as she felt the milk she opened her mouth and soon I was feeding my daughter for the first time. My eyes filled with tears. I couldn't control my emotions. Rob put his hand on my shoulder when he saw the tears.

"Amazing isn't it?" He asked me

"Yeah very."

"She's eating well."

"Yes, she is. I'm so proud of her."

"Our little family..."


"How are you coping with all this Kris?"

"How do you think I'm handling this?"

"Incredibly well."

"Me too. this just feels natural, I already love Ariana with everything I got. I would protect her against anything. is this normal? I mean with not knowing."

He giggled. "yes it's very normal. you're a mom now."

"yeah, it's still setting in." I giggled.

Ariana finished her bottle and I smiled at Rob slowly handing her over to him so he could burp her. I could have done it but I wanted him too, I loved seeing him with her. We decided now was the time to tell Robs parents. Rob laid Ariana back in my arms before he grabbed his phone and Facetimed his mother

I Didn't Know- A Kristen Stewart StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora