I Was Replaced by the New Girl (Eleven)

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Please excuse the length of this chapter, but part eleven is finally here! Oh, and let me say with much sincerity, I am terribly sorry if I offended anyone in this chapter. I have never had any certain substances (ehem) and never will, therefore I have no experience. Okay... Continuing on with the story.

Thanks again for reading! :)



I sighed and closed the book. I think that's enough torture for one day. With that I walked out of my room and poured myself a cup of apple juice in the kitchen. My whole family were watching what I thought was SharkBoy & LavaGirl. Ha.

'Sami!' My five year old brother chimed. 'Come watch with us!'

If it weren't for my parentals I would stay there and watch the young Taylor Lautner sing, but I would rather not have my blood pressure rise by them having to sit next to me.

'Nah, it's okay.' I said, walking to my room with my juice. 'Maybe later.'

'Teenagers and their mood-swings.' My adolescent-hating mother from the 50's said behind my back.

With Vampire Weekend's synth-y music coming from the background, I set down my juice and closed my eyes, listening to the trippy sounds.


Indistinct chatter was the music to my ears. The girls around me were either unconscious or talking excitedly with short, gasping breaths, enjoying their hallucinations, while I, sat in the background watching their euphoria from afar.

I did not think that this was a happy scene; I thought it was sad how the girls relied on drugs to really have fun. This only shows how bored some people are with their lives, and that they'd go to any extent to entertain themselves, or much rather destroy themselves with an illegal substance.

Their cries got louder, more intense as the seconds rolled, and I started to get a little more worried than before. After a peak of noise, the sound lowered to silence that tore apart my ears.

The breeze flicked their hair around lightly, although other than that it was just plain eerie. I stood up and walked over the pack of girls lying down, yet there was no sound to match my movement.

'Guys?' I whispered soundlessly to the lifeless group, crouching to their level.

Something was not right.

I looked into their faces and saw it. And I screamed loudly, as if I had never screamed before. Terror tingled my spine and the horror on my face would probably be able to be seen in Brazil.

And with that scream, the scene changed.

I inhaled it and it stimulated my senses ten times their normal level. I laughed in complete joy as I saw the graffiti that lined the walls of the alleyway danced in unison in their own hearty song. I danced with it as I took another hit with my friends, who were enjoying the same thing; or maybe something else, I don't know. Then the buzzing started.

It was a comfortable feeling at first, like the buzz you feel when you're happy. I smiled and thought about our old massage chair that used to vibrate. For a few minutes, the buzzing continued in a steady state, and after a while, it intensified. My intoxicated laughter soon turned into laughs of panic, and my breathing quickened. I frantically rubbed my arms, trying to feel what was wrong with me. My arms were reddening and I had a sudden urge to rub harder, so I did. But with each rub the itch burned more and the rubs turned into scratches. The nails that were digging into my skin had barely any effect, but there was no other way to satisfy the sensation, so I continued to scratch.

Then it started to bleed. I bled from the intense scratches. When blood escaped from my skin, I felt bugs crawling out, like my body were in an abundance of them.


I screamed and screamed and screamed. I swore at myself and the people who were watching me and the bugs that never seemed to stop coming out of my cuts. I screamed at the girls who were sharing my affliction, and the girls who were taunting me. There was no pain, just the wrath and fear that was encapsulating my body.


Monday morning.

I opened my eyes and saw everything that I wanted and needed to see. My ceiling, my wardrobe, my desk, my bedside table, my photos, my feet and my hands. They were all in their orderly place, where I needed them to be to decipher what was real, from what was not. Every shift I made with my limbs made my digestive organs squirm and thrash around in utter indisposition, and by the time I got to my bedroom door I felt a jolt of nausea.


Why aren't you at school?

I'm feeling sick.

Yeah right that's your excuse to everything.

But I am, I vomited before

Don't lie to me just because you have problems at school

I'm not going to school BECAUSE IM FEELING SICK

You're in trouble when I get home

I made myself a cup of green-mint tea and submerged myself under the doona in my bed with the energy I could muster. Stupid mother and her foolish narrow-mindedness of teens. Stupid mother and her ugly haircut. Stupid everything. I hate my life.

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