I Was Replaced by the New Girl (Twenty-six)

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Hello everyone!

Sorry for the really, really long delay on uploading. I've finished planning the end part, so it's just writing it, and that shouldn't take too long. 

Anyway, enjoy the read.

Oh, and one last thing, what do you think about the story? Please comment below on anything that would be beneficial for my writing. Or any queries, statements or shout outs! I'd love a few blurts from the readers!




I was released out of hospital the next day. They told me I’d be fine if I avoided moving around too much such as sports or walking around too frequently, which was totally fine for me anyway. Not that I lead a very active lifestyle.

I also gave myself my own personal management; avoiding any thoughts of him. He would suddenly creep up in my mind from doing the most distant of things, such as brushing my teeth, or writing. He had nice teeth, and had messy handwriting. Everything was associated back to him. This was difficult, but also easy, because thinking made my head hurt, and thinking of nothing was not hard.

I forbid myself to leave the house, at least until my scar had visibly faded. Which ended up being the day that school started. I’d seen my school classmates once these holidays. I mean, I was a social butterfly.


Two more years of this, two more years until I am fucking out of here. My glass half-empty outlook was not due to my incredible embarrassing injury that had manifested on my face as a result of my totally unnecessary fall, however, but the reality of what will happen when I enter the new school year today. As I gazed upon my ceiling the night before, I contemplated on the circumstances that would eventually arise when I associate myself with my friends the next morning.

   ‘Just get up, Sami,’ I said aloud to myself. ‘Please, just get up. It will be okay.’

When I knew it would be perfectly otherwise.

I don’t want to go through the dynamics of my adventures in the morning before school, however I will put it into these.

Wash my face – which had transpired to be just a dabbing of a wet cloth on my face and an application of a special eighty dollar cream onto my facial cut

Leave the house in realisation that I left my lunch at home

Leave the house in realisation that I forgot that first day of school is photo day also

Leave the house in realisation that I forgot that my ex-boyfriend as of two and half weeks ago takes the same route to school as me.

And alas, I boarded the tram only just registering this. If there was a higher power it had completely overlooked this poor adolescent female in need of some social guidance.

It had almost reached the point in my life where I was pretty much indifferent about anything that actually happened. Too many things were just not going my way, - no. I was just too self centred to look at the reality. It was me.

If Jamie was on my tram that morning, I would never had known. I refused to look around and constrained myself to make an undeviating decision to the left of the tram, where I found a seat and tortured myself with some sad songs.

So this is basically how the remainder of my schooling years will be. Refuging from an old friend/boyfriend. Would he be doing the same? Forfeiting ten minutes of sleeping time to catch an earlier tram in fear of an unrequited, awkward, encounter with myself? (Which is basically what I would be doing to the rest of school years, now that I had realised this)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2011 ⏰

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