Chapter seven (Milan)

Start from the beginning

' I'll be there in 15 minutes.'


'Hold on, we're coming!'

I didn't expect this and it was written all over my face. I keep staring at my phone and reading the text over and over again. I see my parents staring at me. My cheeks turn pink and hot. I look up at them and a small smile forms on my face.

''As soon as I texted the boys, they answered with 'I'm coming.'. I didn't expect that.''

It's kinda embarrassing if you think about it. They are our best friends. Of course they are worried about Max, and they want to be with him. My mother obviously thought the same because she spoke:

''Aw, little boy of mine. Of course they want to come as soon as possible. One of their best friends is in the hospital, and another has found him. They know what it must have done to you Honey. ''

I start to think about what she said. The fact that I found them isn't doing anything to me right now. Of course I hate seeing him like that, but I'm not in shock or something. I'm fine. I'm more worried about Max.

Images flash back to my mind. I see his naked shaking body, his pained expression and hit blood covered blond curls.


Fifteen minutes later, at six thirty, six of our friends come walking in. I see Davey, Tom, Alex, Stanley, Adam and Thomas. Thomas comes running towards me.

I can't help but smile at him. He is so fricking gay. I mean, do you know those typical gay guys? Well that's him. It's always funny to see him running. When he runs his heels almost hit his ass and his hands are moving randomly like he is trying to fly. He has that Gay-hand thingy, where he holds his hand as if he is trying to hold his purse but than in a weird way. It's hard to explain. Normally I would fall to the ground from laughing, but right now I can't go much further than smile a little.

As soon as he reached me he pulls me into a hug. I feel his trained arms around me and a deep sigh leaves my body. I didn't notice until now how tense my body was. But know my body is fully relaxed, thanks to Thomas.

With his hand he softly rubs my back while I hide my head in his neck. I don't want to show the boys my tears, I want to stay strong but I can't. I blink with my eyes and I feel the tears falling once again, but this time they can't go down my cheek because they are dripping on Thomas' neck. My eyes which were already swollen, feel even more red en swollen now. Thomas let's go of me and he asks me with eyes full of concern:

''Have you heard anything yet? How is he?''

I shake my head and tell him: ''I don't know.''

A few of the boys give me a small hug, other gave me a shoulder pet and some gave me a pat on my head. We sit down together, no one talks while everyone stares in front of them with tensed faces. And this goes on for another half an hour, we just sit and wait for any news, good or bad.


''Good evening. Are you the friends and family of Max Carter?'', a friendly, soft male voice asks.

The voice somehow scared me and I literally jumped up. I look around me and see everyone is watching me with a slightly amused but mostly impatient expression. My head turns bright red, I mutter a sorry and sit down again. Thomas is still looking at me with a small smile while his eyes try to invade my thoughts. I move my mouth to form 'Shut up' en turn my head to the doctor who is patiently waiting.

''My name is Walter and I've been treading Max today. Are you his parents?'', he asks straight towards my parents.

My parents become slightly awkward and look at each other. My mom first opens and closes her mouth a few times before actually answering.

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