Chapter 9

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  My eyes are open for everyone to see. Luckily only Ronald, Grell and William saw them. Will and Grell, of course, have already seen them- however this was Ronald's first time seeing them. His reaction was beautiful. Grell understands that I don't like people seeing my eyes so ripped her shirt as a temporary blindfold for me. I smiled and put it on. I am quite good at walking around blind, so the darkness was no problem for me. Something about the dark comforts me.

"Anna, your eyes are so beautiful, why do you hide the?" Ronald asks, I sigh in response. I am not explaining this to Ronald. I have already told both Grell and William the reason.

"Eyes show emotions, and emotions hurt" William spoke. This put a smile on my face. He remembered. I really do love him. I could just kiss him now.

"So what happened? Who did this to you?" Ronald asked. My head dropped. It is a very painful memory that I would prefer not to talk about, however I had to tell them. It won't get better if I don't tell them. I open my mouth to speak, but I got a sick feeling and started to feel dizzy at the memory. I was passed around from man to man. I don't remember what most of them looked like.

"Anna, please tell us, we need to know this" Grell said. I wish they would stop panicking. Why can't they be calm like Will? Undertaker walked in. He smiled at me then his face turned shocked, realising who I was.

"Hello my dear" He spoke. I felt a shiver go down my spine. I hate people calling me 'dear', really it is weird. "I hadn't realised it was you I was carrying."

"Thank you Undie." I smiled at him. He let out a sigh.

"And I was really hoping, when I saw the blood, that I had a new client. Such a shame. You know I like the ones with lots of cuts" I sighed. If I were human I would be dead. He would be so happy if I were human.

A few weeks later, I was discharged from hospital. The bruises had healed completely, my bones were set into place and the cuts were just about closed up- but they were scabbed. I walked with a limp. Ronald held me up.

"Anna, William left you another letter. Would you like me to read it to you?" Ronald offered. I shook my head to say no. Those letters are private between me and Will. I would feel awkward if Ronald read them, wouldn't you? It is only logical that I don't let him see them, isn't it?  

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