Nineteen: Planning

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~Kennedy Bieber~

I swatted Justin's hands away as he was laughing from openly slapping my butt.

I hated the PDA sometimes and in this case, being alone and him still slapping my ass made me feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, so how do we drive Tracy to selling part of the share? This is sixty, almost seventy million on the line, if we lose this, we lose Japan completely" I huffed reading the meetings going on between Luke and Tracy.

"Yeah and really, we're on a honeymoon right now and there's stuff to do..." Justin trailed off as he moved my hair to my left shoulder and pressing kisses on my skin. "Hm, what stuff?" I placed my laptop down and going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"The stuff" Justin winked my way as I laughed. "No to the stuff, i'm good" I adjusted my jumpsuit as Justin groaned. "It's been how long? Like four months?" He complained as I laughed.

"I'm sorry, I just keep thinking about Thad, he's a good kid but I mean, has he gotten his shots, has my mum been taking him to the leap first programs so he can learn fast? Is he so chubby he can't function like Ethan? We should have left him with your dad or something!" I exclaimed as Justin held my hands.

"And remember, my dad almost gave Hannah a bottle full of coca cola" Justin huffed and shook his head. "Your parents are great and i'm sure Thad is enjoying your crazy family" He smiled as I felt my heart calm down.

"This is why I shouldn't be a mother but I am" I let go of his hands and paced once more. "Hey, relax. Kids are fine, your mum updates me before they go to bed. We'll be back next week anyways" he smiled, taking my laptop off me.

"Go get a bathing suit on, we should do what we know best around beaches" Justin smiled as I whined. "Not go near it? I can't stand the thought of getting eaten by a shark" I mumbled as he sighed.

"So what else could we do?"


"Yeah I don't know if this is on my list" I laid on the couch, my feet in Justin's lap as we watched the new episode of Game Of Thrones.

"Oh and I bet you she dies because she kind of deserves it" Justin mumbled as I pointed at him, his theories made sense.

"Wanna bet on it?" I raised an eyebrow. "What were you thinking? Like five bucks if she dies right?" Justin smiled as I shook my head. "Here's the bet. She dies, you can do anything you want, whenever you want to me and disclaimer not anal or you die" I pointed a stern finger at him as he chuckled.

"Should've made she sure didn't did this episode as he pointed to the screen, a court had been blown up where a future Queen was.

"And I win" Justin pulled close and pressed kisses on my cheeks before hearing his phone buzz. "Ah, saved by the phone and" I looked at the ID. "Ignore it he'll just yell at you for all the stuff" I scratched my forehead as Justin raised an eyebrow. "Did you...tell your dad?" He had his hand on my thigh as I shook my head.

"Should we still answer this or?" I held up his phone as he shook his head. "Rather not thanks" he mumbled and took it out of my hands tossing it on the other couch from where we were sitting.

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