Three: Little Miss Alex

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~Kennedy Bieber~

"Yes mama, Ethan is staying there this week, I have a conference in Chicago. Hannah is staying with Justin's parents so you know-"

"No Kennedy! Hannah and Ethan should be together." she argued over the phone as I sighed. "Mama, you always told me greed is a nasty thing. Let Hannah be with Pattie and Jeremy" I pleaded.

"Porca miseria Kennedy! Fine!" (Damnit Kennedy) She huffed as I laughed. "Ciao mama" I giggled before hanging up.

Justin walked into my office as I smiled, he took a seat and placing his head on my desk. "I'm tired" he mumbled as I laughed. "Tired from what?" I crossed my legs as he lifted his head. "The nfl game, it went to overtime" Justin murmured. "Mhm what's the lesson for next time" I looked at him as he fixed his tie. "Don't stay up?" Justin yawned as my phone rang.

"Hello?" I sang out as Paul's voice rang through the speakers. "Why isn't Hannah staying here this weekend. I'd hate for Nina to not have a playmate." He sighed hearing my mum yell in the background how she didn't see Hannah often.

"We were just there on the weekend! Ciao!" I slammed on the button to hang up. "My family is driving me crazy" I sighed and grabbing my wallet. "I want a bagel and a coffee, did you want one?" I ran my hand through his hair as he nodded.

"Mr Bieber you have several messa-" Alex paused as I stared at her for her rude intrusion. "Out. Now" I pointed as she backed up slowly and left.

"Why are you so harsh on her?" Justin chuckled as I looked over at him.

"Between you and me, I know exactly what she is to you" I placed my finger against his lips so he wouldn't say anything. I walked out of my office glaring at her as she kept her head bowed.

"Kennedy" Justin called as I kept walking, head high. This was my company and I could cut him out if I wanted. "Ken" he caught up to me and entering the elevator as he fixed his hair.

"Baby, i'm sorry" he trapped my against the railing as I placed my hand against his chest. I shook my head and pushed him off me as he moved away and leaning against the wall. Forty levels up, Justin slammed his fist against the stop button, making the elevator jolt to a stop.

"Justin! What the fuck!" I yelled as he looked at me. "Do you want me to fire her?" He placed his hands in his pockets as he licked his lips.

"I don't care. As long as you come home to me at the end of the day" I spat, the tension was absolutely and ridiculously thick between us. "I don't love her" Justin admitted straight away as I shook my head. "that doesn't mean anything! You're still fucking her!" I felt my blood boil as Justin scoffed.

"Yes I slept with her! Because for six months my wife paid no damn attention to me! So what now? When you realised all of this now you care!" Justin yelled back as I groaned stomping my foot.

"You heard what the doctor said! Depression! It happens! You were supposed to be there for me! Not sleeping around with some whore!" I shoved at his chest as he took in a deep breath. "I could-I could!" I groaned as we both went silent.

"You could what? Kill me? What are you going to do? Tell your dad so he can get his damn mafia to threaten me?!" Justin spat as I lost all control, slapping his cheek.

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