Five: Revealed

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~Kennedy Bieber~

Chicago was fun so far, we had spent time meeting up with friends and making multiple deals that would secure us for the next year.

"Justin, did you know where my engagement ring went?" I lifted up the pillow in hopes it would be there. " not know" Justin exited the bathroom and helping me look.

"It's huge how could I have lost it?" I yelled and feeling a small tantrum starting. "Hey, we'll find it" Justin chuckled as I stood there and suddenly my emotions all over the place.

"Okay-" Justin paused as we heard knocks on the door. "Did you invite anyone here?" I moved my hair over to one shoulder as Justin shook his head, I made my way to the door, unlocking it slowly as I pulled the door open.

"Kennedy let me kill him!" My brother Louis barged in as I panicked holding him by the shirt. "Stop it!" I shoved him back as Justin stood behind me. "He cheated! Six fucking months Kennedy! In your damn office!" He yelled as I shushed him and shut the door.

"Louis please, stop" I kept him still as Justin was looking for some sort of damn shelter before my brother could strangle him.

"I treated you like a brother!" He yelled as I lost grip and Louis had broken free to go and shove Justin against the wall. "Louis Marino! You stop this now!" I pulled the back of his shirt.

"Stop! I love him!" I yelled over Louis as he stopped. "You still love him? After everything? How? How can you love a man who clearly doesn't love you." Louis sneered as I looked over at Justin.

"Is that true?" I took in a deep breath as Justin kept his stare averted. "Justin" I whispered as Louis scoffed. "You want to stay married to this asshole?" He yelled as I flinched. "Listen to me Kennedy. I'm your older brother. Please" he held my hands. "If papá finds out" he gulped as Justin ran a hand through his hair.

"So who gives a fuck if papá finds out. Even if he has a gun pointed at Justin i'll still take that bullet." I took in a deep breath. "Are you serious? For this fucker?" Louis gestured to Justin as I shushed him. "Louis, even if I wanted to, you know mama and papá would hate me if I even thought of divorce. Papá cheated on mama too" I explained as Louis calmed down.

"We have to make things work. That's how life is and it may not be exactly how we want it but you can make it great if you put your mind to it." I went to go sit down as Louis sat down beside me.

"Pa cheated on mama?" Louis mumbled as I nodded. "Then they had you and then me" I explained as Louis had a confused look on his face. "Paul couldn't have the business because he got divorced" I reminded Louis as he nodded. "You have to understand, if anything, if I didn't love Justin, this would be strictly business. You know me, i'm a strict no bullshit girl" I fixed my skirt.

"Ken, we have to go" Justin looked at his iphone as I stood up. "I'm watching you" Louis threatened as I shushed him again. "Play nice" I hissed in his direction as I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, but then again, i'm not." I refused to hold Justin's hand like everything was fine between us. Despite the never ending sexual side to things, I was still hurt, I was still damaged.

Everything I did for him...

I gave him a spot beside me, I married him, I gave him two kids, despite that I wanted to wait three years before my first, I had even lived in Singapore for him for a year and a half...and this is how he repaid me?

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