Seven: One and Only

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~Kennedy Bieber~

We were all quietly seated at the dining table, Justin across me as he had his eyes on me trying to read what was wrong.

I didn't want to tell him about our little problem, maybe that's why i'm so damn anxious. I couldn't breathe in my outfit.

"Kennedy can I speak to you, in private?" Justin looked at me as I stood up. "Of course" I walked behind him as he took me to a quieter area of the house.

It was sort of a sun room, all the walls and roof were glass. It had a cute hammock and it was just comfy. I closed the curtains and turned on the lights as Justin had his hands in his pockets.

"What's going on?" I opened the radio to defuse whatever awkward energy was in this room. Good grief.

Hearing Adele's One and Only play Justin and I froze. This was our wedding song. He held out his hand as I took it and wrapping one arm securely around my waist and holding my other hand as I placed my head on his shoulder, both of us relaxing.

I felt my heart beginning to heal. It started with moments like this. The littlest things mattered to me. I didn't need roses or a big wedding, I didn't need a big ring or cars, clothes or even a big house.

Justin had forgotten I loved the simplistic things. He had forgotten the moment we had received our very first check from work. He wanted us to live a high life. An updated life if that's how you could call it.

Justin stared at me as we swayed together, he had that look in his eye as we stopped, he kept his eyes locked on mine as I leaned in and pressing my lips against his and putting ever single part of passion into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer as I felt his heart beating quickly. I felt a smile form on my lips.

"I think i'll have to be coming home sooner than I thought" I whispered against his lips as he pulled away and raising an eyebrow.

"Turns out it wasn't a period" I smiled and biting my lips. "I'm pregnant" I smiled and his hands went straight to my abdomen. "Serious? Now? Out of all times?" Justin let out a chuckle and pulling me close for a hug as I felt my heart mending itself.

Maybe we had to reach the worst to start to rebuild the future. "God, I can't believe it. Another baby" Justin pulled me in for a kiss as I stopped him. "We may be having a baby but lets just relax" I patted his chest and kissing his cheek.

"That kiss was a moment of weakness" I waved my hand dismissively as Justin nodded as we both stood away from each other and I, opened the door returning to my seat at the table.

It was awkward, you couldn't deny. There was an electricity buzzing...Justin and I, we both found that having sex was something that basically pushed all our problems away...but I couldn't. I couldn't let him think that was going to happen now. I poked at my food for a while before excusing myself for bed.

I had put Hannah and Ethan to bed and trying to relax in my bed. My mind was racing, what did I want? What did Justin want? What did this baby want?

Did I even think about the world I was bringing this baby into or was I just thinking about myself? I turned over in bed once again, hearing my door creak open, Justin stood by the door holding a mug. "I know you crave hot chocolate a lot" he handed it over to me as I took a sip and humming.

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