Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I picked up my phone again and went into my messages.

“Hey Jess, I’m sorry. I really need to talk to you, can you come back over? I understand if you don’t want to but I feel like I owe you an explanation. Sorry again. Xx”

I had no reply from Jessie so I just assumed that she didn’t want to talk to me, what I didn’t wasn’t cool, at all but I don’t think I deserved being ignored for pulling away from a kiss.. well two kisses. It was getting late though so maybe she was asleep, or just busy.. My trail of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door. I got up and answered it, to my surprise standing there was a red faced, teary eyed Jessie. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. “I’m so sorry Jess” I whispered in her ear, feeling her crying into my shoulder. “Please sit down” I said directing her into the front room. “We need to talk.” Jessie sat down on my sofa and I sat down beside her before grabbing her hand in mine. “I’m sorry about”

Jessie interrupted me “please stop saying sorry Lily, just tell me what’s going on.”

“I really wanted to kiss you. That’s why I leant back in the second time but something inside me stopped me and since earlier I’ve been sat crying thinking about it and I’ve realised why. I haven’t told you this but I split up with ex last week, it was a long and serious relationship. I loved her to bits and she broke my heart. I’m not over her but I do like you and it’s not fair on you to kiss you if you like me too… I don’t know if I can trust anyone the way I trusted Becky. Opening up and letting someone in means they have the ability to hurt me and really, I can’t get hurt again. I’m sorry if I lead you on but I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

I turned to face Jess to see she’d stopped crying. “Kissing you doesn’t mean that I wanted anything serious. I don’t think I’m ready for that either but I do like you and it just felt right, to me anyway. I don’t wanna hurt you Lily. I understand that you’re not over your ex but it doesn’t change how I feel about you.” Jessie smiled.

She was so understanding, she was amazing and it lifted a massive weight off of my shoulders that Jessie didn’t want a relationship but basically admitted to just wanting fun and being with her made everything seem okay, it gave me butterflies, it really did make me want to kiss her again.. so I took my hand and placed it on the side of Jessie’s face, gently turning her head towards me and leant in towards her. I touched her soft, plump lips with mine feeling her smile against my mouth before leaning my forehead against hers. I then turned my head slightly, catching her lips in mine for a second time. This kiss was more firm than the first, I trailed my tongue along Jessie’s bottom lip, she got the hint and opened her mouth as I slipped my tongue in. The kiss was getting more and more heated and before I knew it Jessie was sat on top of me. I ran my hands up her thighs and onto her bum pulling her closer towards me, not breaking the kiss once. I pulled her top up over her head and threw it to the floor, I then trailed my hands up her back and toyed with her bra strap as I bit her lip. I pushed Jessie backwards off of me and stood up, grabbing her hand and leading her into my bedroom…

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