Chapter 2

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She was truly gorgeous and to be honest, the girl she was with was hot too. Mixed race and beautiful with bright red curly hair, not my usual type but still definitely gorgeous! The first girl I was looking at caught me staring at her and beamed me a cheesy smile as we made eye contact across the club. She was sat in the VIP area but I could still see her as she whispered to her friend who then looked at me before turning around and whispering something back. I decided that both girls were way out of my league so I decided to just ignore them and carry on dancing with Daisy.

Throughout the night I couldn’t help but look at the girl with the short, dark hair and every time I did so I couldn’t help but notice her looking straight back at me and smiling. Every time she smiled it melted and gave me butterflies. Her plump red lips and her perfectly straight, white teeth… I was so intrigued by her. As the song ended I walked up to the bar to order me and Daisy another drink.

“2 vodka, lemonade and limes please!” I shouted at the man, I handed him m money and he handed me our drinks and just as I went to walk away I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around on my heel to see the girl with red hair smiling at me.

“Hey…” I said nervously.

“Hey, me and my friend couldn’t help but notice that..” she was interuppted by Daisy flinging her arms around me from behind. She gave me a puzzled looked before saying “is this your girlfriend?”

“What?! No, she’s my best friend. People think we’re together but we’re just close, more like sisters!”

“Ah okay, I understand, we get that too!” She said pointing towards the VIP area of the club. “Anyway, as I was saying, me and my friend couldn’t help you looking our way and well… we wondered if you wanted to join us? Both of you of course!”

“Seriously? Erm, yeah sure”

I stumbled towards the VIP area and sat down in the booth and that’s when I realised who the girl I was looking at was. It was Jessie J and I’d been invited to sit with her. Fuck. I’m not gonna say that I’m her biggest fan but I’ve seen her live, I have both her albums and there are a few pictures of her on the wall in my bedroom… I can’t believe it took me so long to realise who she was! I sat down next to her cautiously as she outstretched a hand in my direction.

“Hey, I’m Jess and this is Holly, my best friend!”

“Hi, I’m Lily and this is, Daisy my best friend. Nice to meet you”

This was the most surreal thing that had ever happened to me in my life, I had been sat just chatting to Jessie J for hours.. She was absolutely amazing and she was lovely. If I didn’t know, I would never have guessed she was famous! So down to earth and just genuinely nice, as well as being absolutely stunning!

Hours and hours had passed, the conversation and the drinks kept flowing but none of us had mentioned Jessie’s career , we were just all talking like we’d known each other for years and as a 4, we got on really well but people had started to come up and peer into the area we were sat and Jessie was beginning to look uncomfortable when Holly spoke up.

“Girls, do you wanna carry on this chat and drinks at my flat? I’m not really feeling this club at all but you two are lovely and my night isn’t over yet.”

“Sounds good to me!” I slurred.

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