Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As soon as we got back to my flat I fell onto my bed and Daisy laid down next to me, she rolled over and put her head on my chest and her arm around my waist. I’m pretty sure that she was still drunk but I just slipped my arm around her back, holding her tight into me and fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up with a banging headache feeling very, very sick! I wriggled around a little causing Daisy to wake up, however she didn’t move, she just opened one and groaned before asking me “What happened last night?”

“Basically we met two girls in the club, went back to one of their flats, you passed out on the sofa, Holly went to bed and me and Jess stayed up all night…”

“You and who? What happened? Did you have sex?”

“Dais, calm down, we were just talking!”

“Okay.” She snapped before rolling over and going back to sleep. Meanwhile I got up and showered, then I got out of the bathroom and went to my phone to see if I had any texts, I lifted my phone up and saw that I did in fact have a text. Adrenaline rushed through my body as I thought of all the different things that it could possible say, maybe it was Becky telling me she was wrong, that she was sorry and that she wanted to try again because to be honest I’d take her back in a heartbeat! I raced to unlock my phone but the text wasn’t even from Becky, it was an unknown number.

“Hey babe, hope you and Daisy are both okay! Was wondering if you both wanted to come round tonight.. with Holly too, we’ll have a film night? Jess xx”

“I don’t think Daisy will be up for it, she’s being moody, bad hangover I think! I’ll still come though if you want me to? xx”

“Yeah sounds good, text me your address and I’ll pick you up about 6?xx”

Not only had I met Jessie J last night and ended up talking to her all night but now I was going around her house to watch films, I guess it was something to take my mind off of Becky for a little while…

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