Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next morning I woke up and realised that Jessie was supposed to have texted me when she got home, I started panicking. I’m such a worrier but why would she not have text me? I really hoped she was okay. I decided to text her. “Morning Jess! You didn’t text me when you got home last night, I hope you’re okay?xx”

I got an almost instant reply, “Sorry, I fell asleep, was so tired! I’m good though thanksJ xx”

I had the day off work so I decided I’d spend it just tidying the flat and doing a few little jobs which I’d been meaning to get around to doing before Daisy came round tonight when she finished work.

I’d got washed and dressed and had been cleaning for about an hour when my phone went off again. “Hey Lily, I’m working near yours and I have an hour and a half break.. fancy lunch? Jess xx”

“Sure, where we going?xx”

“I’ll be there in 10 minutes and we’ll find something!xx”

True to her word Jessie turned up outside my flat exactly 10 minutes later, she got out of her car and walked towards me before wrapping her arms around me… I wasn’t expecting it and it took me a second to register that I was supposed to hug her back but I eventually did.

“Hey! I figured there are a few restaurants round the corner so we could just walk down there and grab something?” Jessie said excitedly.

“The Italian down there is my favourite if you fancy that?” I replied.


When we got to the restaurant we were seated at the back out of sight, I think the owner recognised Jessie and figured that she wouldn’t want to be seen by people. After a few minutes of deciding what to have Jess ordered a pasta dish and I ordered a pizza. The food came almost instantly and we sat eating and chatting for about half an hour. That’s what I loved about spending time with her, the conversation just seemed to flow, there were never any awkward silences and I felt like I was really starting to get to know her for who she was, not just Jessie J but Jess. The food was delicious and as we finished our lunch and the waiter brought over the bill. Jessie took it from him and reached into her purse. “I’ll pay!” She said.

“No Jess, I’ll pay!”

She looked at me and shook her head before giving the waiter the money and telling him to keep the change. We both got up and began to walk out the restaurant and back to mine.

“Thanks for lunch Jess! It was really nice, you didn’t have to pay though!”

“It’s okay babe, my treat! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve gotta get back to work now though, I’ll talk to later.”

“Thanks again, I’ll see you later!” I said giving her a hug as I guessed that’s just what we did now… Only this time it was different, this time when we hugged I wasn’t shocked. This time my whole body tingled and I got butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face and when I pulled away I saw that Jess had the same expression as I did. We both turned around and walked in different directions before waving.

The afternoon flew by as I ran errands, I kept reliving the moment me and Jessie shared earlier in my head, not quite knowing what to make of it. I was interrupted by a knock at the door and my best friend bursting in.

“Hey Lils, you alright?”

“Yeah I’m good thanks Dais! You?”

“Can’t complain! I ‘ve already ordered a Chinese, it should be here in 10 minutes. Shall we put a film on?”

“I’m not too hungry babe, I had lunch down the Italian with Jessie earlier”

“Oh right… okay.”

We laid on my bed for hours eating Chinese, watching films, watching tv, playing games, chatting.. it was like we’d never even had an argument yesterday. She was honestly the best friend I could ever wish for, she was always there when I needed her!

“Right, I’m gonna go home” said Daisy.

“It’s 11 o’clock at night, tomorrow is Saturday.. grab a pair of my pj’s and stay?”

“Okay babe!”

We stayed awake for a few more hours just chatting and watching tv. It got to about 1 am and I heard Daisy yawning next to me. I leant over and switched off the lamp, grabbed the remote, turned off the tv and laid back down. Daisy rolled over towards me and started quietly snoring within seconds of her head laying on my chest.

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