Jessie J Fanfic Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Hey babe, be ready for 9, I’m coming to yours and we’re going clubbing! See you later, love you! Daisy xx”

My best friend is the queen of short notice, normally I’d be up for going out with 2 hours’ notice but today it was different. Today, I just wanted to sit in my bed, eat shit food and cry. Today, I did not want to see anyone. Today, the last thing I wanted to do was go into a club full of people and fake a smile. Since Becky had broken up with me I had no motivation to do anything whatsoever, it was the most unexpected break up ever, as far as I was aware things were going great! I was really happy, she was and still is my world and I’ve never felt anything near to how I feel about her with anyone before. I know I’m 19 but I honestly saw a future with her… a nice house, a beautiful wedding, kids running around our feet. It would have been perfect but now that’s gone. Not only did she break up with me but she told me she was in love with another girl, a girl she’d been talking to and cheating on me with for the past 3 months. I feel like an absolute idiot. Just as I was about to fall into another puddle of tears my phone buzzed again.

“Lily Louise Walker there is no getting out of this. I mean it, 9 o’clock!”

“You’re not gonna take no for an answer are you Dais?”

“Nope so get your arse in gear!”

“Fine, I hope you’re ready for an emotional and very drunk best friend because there is no way I can do this without at least 10 jaeger bombs going down my neck first.” 

Two hours went by and I was too busy rushing around doing my hair and sorting out clothes for tonight to even think about Becky. I’m not a girly girl by any means but I like to look nice, I’m not talking dresses and make up but straightening my hair was a must. I had music blaring out of my speakers whilst dancing around my room when I heard a loud knock at the front door of my one bedroom flat.

“Come in Dais, it’s on the latch!” Before I even had the chance to finish my sentence my best friend appeared around the corner looking stunning as ever. Her long brown hair curled onto her shoulders and her body looked absolutely amazing in the dress that she was wearing. Despite us both being bisexual, admitting to thinking that each other were hot and everyone else having their suspicions about us nothing has ever and will never happen between us. We’ve grown up together and she’s more like the sister I never had than anything else. She flung her arms around me and just stood there giving me the cuddle she knew that I needed. Then she handed over a carrier bag full of cans of red bull and a bottle of jaeger which I happily took from her with the first genuine smile that had been on my face all day!

After a couple, I was already starting to feel it go to my head and decided it was time to hop in a taxi before I got too drunk to even be able to make my way into town. 

By half 10 me and Daisy were inside the club feeling pretty drunk and grinding on each other on the dance floor. I definitely do understand why people assume we’re a couple but honestly, we’re just best friends.

That’s when I lifted my head and saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. Her shoes caught my eye first; nike air max (my kind of girl), then my eyes trailed up her long, toned, exposed legs to her short denim shorts which made her bum look absolutely amazing. Her stomach, also really toned, was out a little bit between her shorts and her cropped boy London tee and her short brown hair complimented her amazing eyes and the beautiful smile she had on her face whilst talking to her best friend. I couldn’t help but feel like I recognized her from somewhere but I couldn’t for the life of me work out where from!

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