Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I’d been trying to sleep for about an hour but my thoughts wouldn’t let me. I kept thinking about Becky and how stupid I’d been. How did I let her get away with cheating on me for so long and how did I not realise. Seeing Jess had taken my mind off of Becky for the evening but once I was alone my mind drifted straight back to her. I couldn’t stop crying over her so I decided to get my phone and check her facebook and twitter to see if she’d written anything significant that could change things. I pulled my phone out of my pocket for the first time all evening and saw I had 4 missed calls, 3 texts, a facebook message and a tweet… all from Daisy! Worry rushed through me as I pressed the button to call her back, there must be something wrong.

“WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!” Daisy screamed without so much as a hello.

“I was out, why? What’s wrong? I had loads of messages from you..”

“You didn’t reply to my text so I called you, you didn’t answer so I came round and you didn’t answer the door. It’s been 4 hours Lily. I was so worried!”

“Dais, I’m a big girl now, if you don’t hear from me for 4 hours it doesn’t mean I’m dead! I was just at Jessie’s house.”

“Jessie? That girl from the other night? I see. Hope you had fun with your new girlfriend, sorry for caring.”

“She’s not my girlfriend, we’re just friends. I’ve only just split up with Becky, what do you take me for? We watched two films and now I’m home. I’m not talking to you whilst you’re being like this Daisy so either calm down or shut up.”

“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll come and see you after work tomorrow night, yeah? We can get a takeaway or something.”

“Sounds good babe, I’ll see you tomorrow! Goodnight.”

“Night Lily!”

After I’d hung up the phone I went onto Becky’s facebook which I instantly regretted. It was full of pictures of her and her new girlfriend and statuses about how happy she was. I really couldn’t cope with reading any more so I decided to ‘unfriend’ her and start the long, difficult process of getting over her and falling out of love with her.

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