Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sunday had arrived it was only half 6 and I was completely ready for bowling with Jessie. I was wearing a light grey beanie, a plain white top, my leather jacket, skinny light coloured jeans and air max. Personally I thought I looked pretty good! I decided to just sit and watch tv whilst I waited for Jessie to arrive. That half an hour flew by and before I knew it my phone was ringing as usual, I didn’t even bother to answer it, I walked to the front door took one more look in the mirror and walked outside to see Jessie’s car sitting outside my flat. I hopped into her car and was greeted by a massive smile and a huge hello which I reciprocated. The nearest bowling alley was only 5 minutes away so I was quite surprised when after 10 minutes in Jessie’s car we were still going.

“Babe, we’ve been past the bowling alley, where are we going?” I questioned.

“Oh sorry, I should have explained! We’re going to a bowling alley near my house, it’s really quiet and people wont…  I just prefer it there.”

I nodded to Jessie’s comment and we continued in the car for another twenty minutes before pulling up at an old, American styled bowling alley. I walked up to the door and held it open for Jessie, she walked in thanking me as I checked out her arse. I couldn’t help it, it’s pretty hot! As we got inside there were only two small bowling alleys and a little bar/food area behind it. We were the only customers there. I walked up to the bar and ordered both me and Jessie a drink, non-alcoholic of course as she was driving and stated that we wanted to play a game of bowling. Jessie reached her hand into her bag and pulled out her purse getting ready to pay.

“Stop.” I said, pushing her hand back into her bag. “It’s my treat this time!”

Jessie smiled and went and typed our names into the panel between the alleys in order to display our scores on the screen. Jess put her name into go first and stepped up, ball in hand onto the alley and what do you know, got a strike. She walked over to me with a smug look on her face and said “good luck” before winking at me.

This made me feel extremely competitive and I replied with “first time lucky. Game on Jess!” Of course this was all talk, I could not bowl to save my life but somehow managed to get a spare in my first go. As the game went on Jess continued getting strike after spare after strike and her score was almost doubling mine. “I hate losing.” I stated before pulling a sad face at Jessie.

“Come on I’ll help you!” She replied. As I got up and picked up the ball I felt her behind me, she held my arm with her hand and swung it, as I let go of the ball it hurtled towards the middle pin and I got my first strike of the game. “See, skills!” Jessie laughed before taking her turn and getting herself a strike too and winning the game by a mile.

“Why did I suggest coming bowling, Jessica? I didn’t realise you’d be this good or I wouldn’t have! What’s the food like here? I haven’t eaten yet.”

Jessie laughed “I’m sorry babe but the food here is good and I haven’t eaten either.” We both ordered and sat eating and talking for about an hour before I looked at the time on my phone.

“Shit Jess, it’s 10 o’clock and I start work at 8 in the morning, do you mind if we get going? I can take a bus if..”

She cut me off mid-sentence “no, I’ll take you home Lily!”

The car journey home wasn’t the same as normal, we usually just chatted and chatted about nothing in particular.. family, friends, stories from when we were younger, everything but this time it felt really awkward. Jessie kept being really quiet and it felt like she had nothing to say to me but I just put it down to tiredness and concentrating on driving in the dark!

As we pulled up outside my house Jessie turned undid her belt and turned to face me, I thanked her for a lovely evening before leaning in to give her a hug but to my surprise Jessie turned her head and planted a kiss on my lips. I was beyond shocked and my instant reaction was to pull away but I didn’t know why so I leant back in closing the gap between our lips for a second time but again I felt myself pulling away. I turned and opened the car door, I looked back at Jess who had a defeated look on her face. “I’m sorry..” I said before getting out the car and running towards my door with tears running down my face.

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