01. Chocolate Kiss [B.A.]

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Chocolate Kiss{Barry x Reader}

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Chocolate Kiss
{Barry x Reader}

You sat at your kitchen counter, shoving your face with those fancy chocolates you loved so much. It was a long day, and you just needed a calming dose of chocolate.

There was a knock at the front door of your apartment. Sighing deeply, you swallowed the piece of chocolate you were working on "Who is it?" You called out.

"Barry!" You smiled to yourself at the sound of Barry's voice.

"Come in!"

The door opened, and you heard Barry's footsteps down the hall. You two had been on a few dates, and were great friends, but you guys hadn't made anything official yet. You wondered about it constantly, but you didn't know he felt about labels.

Barry walked into the kitchen, immediately eyeing the fancy chocolate, and not paying any attention to you. "Ooh," he grinned, reaching for a piece.

You swatted his hand away quickly. "Barry!" You groaned, "These are mine! I had a bad day."

He frowned, leaning into the counter. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he said, his green eyes searching yours. "Maybe this can help." He leaned over, pressing his lips onto yours, and kissing softly. You returned it happily, your eyelids closing slowly. He pulled away, his own eyes still shut, a smirk on his mouth. You licked your lips, tasting the chocolate still on them.

He crashed his mouth back into yours, eagerly kissing and tugging gently at your bottom lip. You finally broke the kiss this time, leaning away from him.

"Oh, gosh," you laughed, "You kissed me because of the chocolate." You rolled your eyes at the smiling Barry, who just shrugged in return. You sighed, gesturing for him to take one of the pieces.

"No, thanks," Barry shook his head, "It tastes better this way." He pulled you off the kitchen stool, bringing your body close to his.

His mouth went to yours again, but couldn't help but laugh into his kiss. His arms wrapped around you tightly. "Shh," he whispered against your lips, "You taste so good."

• • • • •

author's note | hey, everyone! this one is shorter than most of the others coming, but i thought it would be a cute one to start with. hope you enjoyed :)

update from february 13, 2017: soooo after seeing the few comments i just wanted to say i did NOT mean for that to be a dirty joke. i feel so yikes. i know it's an awful imagine, especially bc barry's not really that smooth & i feel awkward about it now hahah but also, it's one of the first barry / grant imagines i've ever written, & the first one i posted. so yeah. that's all i've to say. please don't judge all of my imagines on this
rough one please haha thanks, all!

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