[11.] Lunch Dates & More Injuries

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A/N: Hi everyone! It's unedited, so please let me know if you spot any mistakes. Thank you so much for your encouraging feedback and wonderful comments; they mean the world to me! <3

[11] Lunch Dates & More Injuries

It was at the beginning of the month of January when I realized that I was seriously codependent. Astrid returned home the day after New Year’s, and I had been alone ever since. For once, I sought out Bones’s company, but I couldn’t seem to find him anywhere. He wasn’t in the sickbay, the medical building, the cafeteria, his regular coffee shop; every time I looked, he was nowhere to be found. I left my usual messages for my dad, but as usual, there was no response. Still, it was comforting knowing that he was still on the other end of the line.

It was January 9, two days before the spring semester began. Students were finally returning to campus to get settled in once more. I, for one, wanted to go and spend some time at home and get settled there. I loved Starfleet, but I was feeling more homesick than ever. Sighing, I sat down against a tree, pulled out a thermal of soup, my book, and began to indulge in the steaming liquid and tome of life, tragedy, laughter, and love. The air was chilly, but surprisingly not as cold as it had been in December. Still, I had made sure to bundle up before venturing outside.

I was halfway through the book and completely finished with my soup when someone sat down next to me. I looked up and grinned.

“Hi,” Bones said.

“Where have you been?” I asked immediately.

He looked taken aback. “What, did you miss me or something?”

“Surprisingly, yes,” I answered, placing my bookmark in between the pages and shutting my book.

He chuckled. “I went home to see my parents for a few days.”

“Oh…that would explain my not being able to find you anywhere.”

“Wait, you actually went looking for me?”

I shrugged. “I was lonely.”

He smiled. “Well, it’s nice to know that you actually considered me for your company.”

“Why wouldn’t I? Friends, remember?”

He nodded, still smirking a little. “Right. Friends.”

I folded my arms across my chest while he placed his chin in his palm. We sat in silence for a few moments, neither of us making a move to make conversation.

“What have you got there?” he finally asked, motioned towards my book.

I smiled and held it up. “Little Women.”

He whistled. “That’s old.”

“Old, but full of wonderful lessons and oh so endearing.”

“So, you’re a fan of classics, then?”

I nodded. “Astrid and I both. We used to read to each other when we were growing up.”


“Yeah. She’d come over with her book and read it to me, or I’d go over to her place with mine and read to her. We’d build blanket and pillow forts and would stay up far into the night, conquering each story. That’s why we have so many nicknames for each other. We always called each other by the name of the character that was most like us, and we always understood without a verbal agreement.”

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