Intro: Mitch's POV

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I'm still sort of in shock that this is happening- I'm a jumble of nerves and excitement and I can't tell if I need my parents to stop the car so I can throw up or if I just need to pee. I feel like I just got my USC acceptance letter two minutes ago and yet here I am, in a car packed to the gills with suitcases and bags from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

"We're here, sweetie! I can't believe it, our little Mitchie is practically moving out. I'm probably gonna cry, I'm sorry. I'll try to hold it in until we're back in the car, I don't want to embarrass you in front of your new BFFs."

I roll my eyes. "Mom I haven't met my suitemates yet, I have no idea what they're like... Or if they'll like me... Oh god." I let out a tiny groan and still think perhaps I need to throw up. We don't have time for that, though, USC is very organized and the performing arts dorm I'm moving into gave me a specific timeframe for when I could get my key. As if I wasn't going to be anxious enough today, they decide to give me goddamn deadlines? College hasn't even started yet and I'm already 100% sure I'm not gonna be able to handle it.

It all goes surprisingly smoothly, however, and in no time at all I have my key and my room number and all my shit has been moved into said room. Mike and Nel have even kept it together for the most part, and have done nothing too embarrassing other than when my mom forgot that this was a boys' floor and waltzed right into the bathroom down the hall.

"When do you think the other boys will get here? Should we wait?" My dad asks, taking a seat on my newly made bed. I walk out into the hallway to see the names on my door.

"Looks like this suite is just the four of us, two of us in each room and then we share this bathroom," I say, pointing to the connecting door between the two rooms. "Maybe 'Kevin' and 'Avriel' are already in their room... Should I knock? I'm so nervous and probably smell as sweaty as I am. Why did you have to be so Italian, dad?"

He laughs, shrugging before telling me I should knock because he wants to meet these boys that I'll be living with all year. I smooth down my bangs and straighten my shirt and give a timid knock. The door opens after a moment and I'm greeted by a tall, smiling guy with twinkling brown eyes.

"Yo! I'm Kevin! Do you live on this floor too?"

"Yeah, hi," I reply, feeling a little less shy. He seems really genuinely nice, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "I'm Mitch! I'm your suitemate, I just moved in. We, uh, we share a bathroom!" God I'm so awkward.

Kevin nods and laughs a little. "We sure do! Nice to meet you, Mitch. Glad someone else finally moved in, I've been here a couple days and it's been pretty lonely. My roommate is supposed to move in today, too, though!"

"Oh! Rad! Avriel?" Honestly I shouldn't be allowed to speak to new people. 'Rad'? And clearly his name is Avriel, it says so on their door...Kevin's gonna see immediately just how dumb I am.

"Uh, yep. Weird name, huh? When's your roommate getting here?"

"Yeah, kinda weird. Ummm...I'm actually not sure. I thought we'd all be coming today, but I guess not since..." I gesture vaguely at him and his room behind him, which has clearly been lived in. I'm sure he's had enough of my social ineptitude and I've decided it's high time I cut my losses and back away. "Anyway, I'm gonna go unpack a little bit, it was nice to meet you! I'm sure I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, nice meeting you Mitch. Do you need any help? Oh, are you Mitch's mom? I'm Kevin."

I turn around and sure enough Nel has come up behind me and is waving maniacally.

"Hi Kevin! It's so great to meet you! Yes, I'm Nel Grassi, and this is my husband Mike. We were just planning on heading out, and letting you guys get to know each other and unpack... Maybe since you've been here a few days, you could show Mitch around? Or go with him to dinner? He gets lost pretty easily."

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