Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boy

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(Y/N) POV:

"Do you need help with your bags" Harry asked looking at me then my parents. "No it's fine" I said giving him a light peck. "Oh and" I said getting Harry's attention. "Thanks for a great Saturday." I finished with a smile before having it disappear turning to my parent. "What did we tell you about him?" my dad said trying to get a grip on the fact I broke his rule and stayed with Harry. "I don't care what you said I like him" I slightly yelled nearing the end. "Honey please calm down" my mom said with a concerned look on her face. "Whatever" I answered pushing past them to get to my room. They have to meet Harry and I have a plan.

Harry POV:

After I dropped (Y/N) off I need to think about what she asked in the car. Who was I and what was my past? Things have been kinda rough on me for the past couple of years. I haven't really been able to control my emotions, that's the reason I have the holes. When I punch the holes in the wall it makes me feel better. I don't tell anyone because I'm positive they'll think I'm insane and the last person I wanted to think this was (Y/N). "HARRY COME DOWN HERE AND EXPLAIN THIS!!!!!!" my mom yelled I had a feeling I knew what she was talking about. When I got downstairs I was faced with my mom pacing back and forth. "Explain what you did with the extra room Harold." "I don't know what your talking about." I lied trying to avoid the topic. She began to inch towards the door. My heart sank, that room held a lot of tears and pain. When she opened the door I was devastated, no part of the wall was without holes. Small pieces of dry wall covered the floor. I used to have a punching bag but one day I got so mad that I hit it and it broke open. "Harry I thought you were getting better... I think you need to go back."

This is probably the shortest one I've posted thing are getting out of control at home, needless to say half a thousand reads that's cool and thanks for the support I'm just going through a hard time right now I will post as much as possible but not everyday. Regardless I love you guys. Byyyyyeeeeee❤💚❤💚

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