Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boy

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Harry POV:

Wow I didn't really think (Y/N) could fight like that it was so hot. I bet I knew why she did that she really did like me but was too scared to say it or maybe lose her virginity. "Get the fuck off me" she muffled through my hand. I wasn't going to let her go until we got to my car we needed to talk. When we got into the car I still had my hand firm on her mouth. "Why would you get so mad over me fucking your friend? Is it because your in l-" I was cut off by her bitting my hand. "Oww"I yelled. "Not even in your dreams" she said sassily. Whenever she talked like that it would make me wonder what she was like in bed. "Why am I here, you already had your sex for the day" she asked. (Y/N) must've thought I was the biggest ass hole in the world. Time to switch things up a little on her. "I wanted to ask you on a date"

(Y/N) POV:

Ok unexpected what am I susppost to say I was speechless. Were would we go? Wait why am I even thinking about that I'm saying no. No no no no no... and with that he pressed his perfect lips on mine. "So I'll pick you up Friday at 8" he cooed and then he left the car. I looked at the time surprisingly this only took up 5 minutes so lunch isn't even over yet. At this point I'm gasping for air god damn why did he have to kiss me?

Harry POV:

Oh god where am I going to take her? How am I going to dress? Why am I feeling this way? It was just one stupid little peck. I think I know where to take her. "Louis I need you to throw a party" I quickly spoke. "Can I throw a m-" "I don't care, just throw one." I interrupted. I didn't want to be alone with her I'm afraid I'll get flustered and sound like an idiot.


Still Harry POV:

Ok now I can relax at least we don't have to be together the whole time. She looked so sexy, skinny jeans, a purple tank tip, a black leather jacket and a pair converse. "Hey your here!" Louis yelled after seeing us in the doors peep hole. When we walked in everyone was in different passions and kissing who they came with. Self note when people ask you a question answer it it's probably important.

(Y/N) POV:

Well this is new I've heard of these type of parties but no one ever took me. I wasn't disgusted that he took me here I was shocked. Maybe he should ask himself if he had a crush on me? "Do you want to go somewhere else?" He asked nervously. "Um yeah it seems like this isn't the place for a first date." I answered awkwardly. I'm not really sure if this was a real date so I was nervous for where we were going. We were driving for about an hour until we hit this cute little restaurant. He rushed to open my car door, opened the restaurant door for me and he pulled out my chair. I liked this side of harry this one was sweet.

Harry POV:

I think the date is going well, for one she hasn't caught me staring yet. I mean how couldn't you she was so bea- "What are you staring at Styles?" she asked not even looking up at me. I didn't even see her look up in the first place! "How did you know I was staring?" "Magic" she responded sarcastically. "It would be nice to know I'm going out with a wizard before a first date" I said jokingly. When she laughed and I saw that beautiful smile on her face I felt like everything stopped that moment was the most important to me. I guess time really was frozen for me the next thing I remember is her by the door waiting for me so we can leave.

(Y/N) POV:

When harry took me home I was kinda disappointed when he didn't kiss me. I really thought he would by the way he look at me to tonight. Before I changed into my pj's I heard a knock on the window and there stood a love drunk harry hanging in the tree by my room.

Sorry sorry sorry they are still not dirty I'm kinda nervous to start the dirty sex parts well I'm trying I'm molding the parts and feelings and blah blah blah ok bye hope you in joyed

Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें