Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boy

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Eleanor wanted me to come two hours before the party started to set up. I was thankful to her because it was either do this or have Nathan at my house. Which reminds me, weren't we supposed to go together? About an hour at her house, the band came... and it's 1Direction. Oh god how am I supposed to avoid him, wait the set up for the band is outside so I can just stay inside. "Hey, (Y/N) can you help set up outside and then you can come and get ready with the rest of us." "Yeah of course" I faked cheerfulness. It was like I was a switch for Harry, as soon as I walked outside his posture was better and he looked flustered. "Hi boys" I said with a wave. I didn't want to address them individually because I didn't know where me and Harry stood. As I was setting up the table for drinks Harry stood next to me. "Sooooo" "Sooooo" I answered copying him. "So um are you bringing a date or something?" "Uh sorta." I said awkwardly. "Oh" "you" "no" he said shaking his head, making me feel bad for saying yes to Nathan. "You should probably get ready for the party, it starts in about 30 minutes" I nodded before leaving. Well that was awkward.

Harry POV:

Damn, how was I supposed to make it through tonight? I'm not here with the girl I love, my throat really hurts and the guy that (Y/N) came with, Nathan was it, seems like a total ass hole. He comes in before she came down, telling everybody that they're dating, making me wonder if it was true. But if it was true Nathan was a lucky guy. (Y/N) is a special, not only for her beautiful body, but for her even more beautiful personality. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who liked her that way, she wasn't a piece of meat like most other girls but she was an irresistible women. Speaking of irresistible did Eleanor have to put her in a tight black dress, red pumps and red lipstick. I wanted to kiss her so badly, seems like Nathan wanted way more than a kiss. I hated how he had his hands on her like she was an animal. (Y/N) didn't seem to like it either she cringed every time he put his arm around her. "Hazz it time to preform." Liam said with his usual calmness. "The first song we're going to do is 'Happily' I think some of you will enjoy this one" I said on stage looking straight at (Y/N).

(Y/N) POV:

At the end of the song I wanted to straighten me and Harry's relationship out. But when I tried to leave, Nathan grabbed me by the hips and started lightly leaving open mouthed kisses on my neck. "Nathan stop." I said extremely annoyed. "No moan for me baby." He said softly in my ear. The usual tingles I got from Harry touching me wasn't the same as the disgusted feeling when he touched me. "No just leave me alone." I said now angry. "C'mon baby don't be scared." he said putting his hand on my upper thigh were my dress stopped. "Leave me alone you ass hole." I screamed as I pushed him off surprisingly drawing no attention. "Look here you slut I wouldn't ask you out if I didn't want something." He said frustrated putting his hand aggressively back on my leg. "Excuse me but she shouldn't be called anything but beautiful." Harry said from behind him. "Oh. yeah. sure, just get out of here" Nathan said. "Let. her. go." When Nathan pushed me to the ground all I heard before opening my eyes to a pool of blood was 'You shouldn't have done that.'

A little album promotion Happily is a real song from midnight memories and if you've never heard the song or album check is out. So I hope you enjoyed that very short part and byeeeee💚💚💚

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