Dirty Harry Styles imagine bad boy

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Harry POV:

I can't believe it she broke up with me. I cried without making a sound, I didn't want my mom in here. To be honest I didn't want anybody near me, I wanted to be alone possible even forever. As soon as I texted her back confirming the break up, I threw my iPhone at a wall breaking it. This didn't attract my mom's attention, I guess she thought I was punching holes in the wall. I thought this until she came in my room as I was crying into my hands. "Aww baby." she said as if I was five. I just kept my hands on my face. "You really did love her didn't you?" she said now talking like I was an adult. I nodded my head. "I can tell, because I've never seen you cry this much over anything." I didn't want to speak at all, but then she saw my broken phone. "Harry what happened to your phone." she spoke now with worry and anger in her voice. "We broke up" I said barley audible. She didn't know what to say but that she was sorry. This made me want to cry more, even someone with more experience in life didn't know what to say. So what was I supposed to do?


(Y/N) POV:

When I saw Harry at his locker that was the best time I could talk to him since we only had two periods together which one required silence. If I couldn't talk to him now I had a few minutes before PE started. "Harry can we talk, please." I pleaded only getting continuous silence from him in response. "We need to talk about last night" I said concerned. "It's fine I get the message" he said coldly pushing past me to leave without giving me a chance to explain any further. I guess I have to try again third period at gym. The thing was it wasn't that easy to brush off, I nearly cried in front of everyone in the hallway. I just really want me and Harry to work so badly.


Still (Y/N) POV:

Harry was always the first one out of the locker room but instead he was 2 minutes late, which is not so bad considering his past. Maybe after class we can talk. I anticipated he would be out of the locker room first so I tried to get out quickly as I was changing I heard 2 girls talking to each other. "Did you hear, Harry Styles is single again!!" a bimbo sounding girl said. "I don't really believe they dated, I think he just stuck around for a little bit just so he wouldn't be called a manwhore."
"Then why would he stick around for like a month?" "I don't know?! and I also heard that the girl he was dating was a total loser, or was it bitch?" she said then both began to laugh. I wanted to jump out and hit them in the face and run away then cry. "The point is that we can both have him. Maybe we can have a threesome?!" the other said way too excited. That was it for me, I ran out crying and when I hit Harry I froze and so did he. Thank god the bell rang and I had an excuse to continue running. If I saw correctly he was crying too.

Harry POV:

I hated this ignoring her thing, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I somehow trudged through the day to lunch with the mates. "Ok hold up your detention slips." Everyone but louis held theirs up. "Lou where's your's?" I asked. "I promised the GF I wouldn't get into any trouble today. We're going shopping after school." He spoke fast saying this. When everyone bursted out laughing I was still confused. "What do you need to go shopping for you have enough clothes and a never ending closet of shoes." I asked again. "Remember her birthday party is at her house this Friday so she thought I should wear something she would like on me." Crap! Did I really forget that it was Eleanor's birthday this Friday. I have a good reason why, I was planning on going with (Y/N) but... "What's with you lad?" Liam asked. "Yeah you look like hell." Niall said. "It's nothing I'm fine" I lied looking straight at (Y/N) who looked equally as bad as me. Noticing who I was looking everyone shifted their attention to (Y/N). "Did you two brake up?" Zayn asked breaking the silence

(Y/N) POV:

They were talking about me that whole table. What was he saying about? I really shouldn't think too much about it, because he Harry Styles the supposed manwhore/player of the school. I was ripped from my thoughts when Eleanor came over to me. "Hey, I know things are kinda weird between you and Harry but I still would love for you to come to my birthday party this Friday." She said hopefully. "Sure" I said back with a small smile. "Bring stuff for the next two days, me, you, Sophia and Perrie at having a sleep over." she said now oozing excitement handing me a royal purple envelope. I didn't really agree to that much but let's keep happy for her birthday. When the period ended I was on my way home for my free period, when I saw my friend Nathan. "(Y/N) hey I see you've been invited to Eleanor's party." he said cheerfully. I nodded my head. "So I was wondering if you could be my date sorta." He asked nervous. "Ummm sure I guess." I say unconvincingly. He had a grin from ear to ear on his face. Then when he kissed me on the cheek we heard a loud bang of a metal locker. When we turned to the direction of the noise, I see Harry running his fingers angrily through his hair.

If my imagines are starting to come late at night or early in the morning it's because I'm a night writer now it's the easiest part of the day to work on these especially when I have school but whatever hope you enjoyed this part next part coming as soon as possible bye❤❤

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