Untangle Me (an Embry Call Love Story) 9 Pillow Fight

Start from the beginning

He blushed more. 

“you think so?” he asked. 

I nodded again. 

“of course I do” I said  smiling. 

He smiled back. We made our way to Emily’s and sat down on the couch. 

“you hungry?” she asked. 

“yes!” Seth said jumping up. 

I giggled to myself. I stood up and followed. 

“yummy! Pizza!” I said. 

Emily smiled. 

“Thanks Emma” I said

She nodded. 

“Are you hungry Bella?” she asked

I looked over at Bella she was hiding in a corner and  was surprised when someone talked to her. 

“uh n-no thank you” she stuttered. 

I looked back at my pizza. I felt bad the Bella felt all alone so I sat by her. 

“so you and Jake huh?” I said 

She blushed. 

“we’re only friends” she said. 

I nodded. 

“what about you and Embry?” she asked. 

I smiled. 

“I guess we’re a thing” I said 

She nodded. 

“I must be nice having some one imprint on you” she said looking down. 

I couldn’t help the smile on my face. That was until Seth hit me with a pillow. I glared at him and he smiled at me. 

“you really want some?” I asked turning my body to face him. 

“want some what?” he asked. 

I glared and turned back at Bella. A slight smile on her face. Another pillow hit the back of my head. 

I turned back to Seth, he was smiling, holding up another pillow. 

“oh it’s on!” I yelled before jumping on him and poking him. He laughed but soon caught on and did the same. I Heard Bella laughing as we rolled around. The feminine laughs from Emily and Bella changed into deep laughs. I looked up to see the rest of the pack laughing at us. 

“Are you going to hit me with another pillow?” I asked Seth. 

“n-no!” Seth said in between laughs. 

I stopped and smiled to myself. I stood up. Jake was standing by Bella. I looked over at Embry and he smiled. I smiled back. Once everybody stopped laughing, the mood grew serious. 

“we lost her again” Sam said. 

I looked over at Bella, the horror on her face was clear. I looked over at Embry again and I could tell he was upset. 

“Damn redheads you can’t trust them” I said

Everyone started laughing. I laughed with them. I looked at the clock it was almost five. 

“oh shit you better get home before you mom finds you missing again” I told Embry. 

“yeah” he nodded “you wana come with me?” he asked. 

I thought about it. 

“is that alright?” I asked Sam and Emily. 

“yeah. Go have fun” Emily said. 

I smiled. 

“I’ll be back in a little bit” I told them before walking out of the house with Embry. 

“I don’t have patrol tonight” he told me. 

I frowned. 

“but I could still visit you anyway” he said 

I thought about. 

“or I could stay the night with you?” I said throwing around the idea. 

He smiled. 

“I would like that.” he said 

“I was just wondering” I said 

“yeah?” he asked 

“what are we?” I asked. 

“what do you mean?” he asked. 

Embry stopped walking so I could jump on his back. 

“like together not together?” I asked. 

I was glad that he was carrying me so he didn’t see me blush

“I don’t know are we?” he asked. 

I sighed. 

“we can if you want to” he said

“do you want to?” I asked. 

“what ever you want” he said 

I frowned. 

“ok how about at a random time you ask me out?” I asked. 

I felt him nod. 

“but it has to be random, I don’t want to expect it” I said 

“alright then” he said.  

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