Chapter Eleven

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I remember the look that she gave me. She was sad. No, it was something else. Heartbreak, maybe? I don't know... I only wanted to figure out why she would kill the human and eat her soul like it was a piece of candy. And the next day she doesn't remember it? What's going on?

I've tried talking to Maka, but she said she hasn't seen Yomi for a while now. Maybe I should go to her myself and apologize...

I get up and go and put some more casual clothes on. I stop at the store and grab her some flowers to show her that I'm sorry for...well, you know. Then I make my way down to her house.

When I get there the front door is open. I take a step inside. It's empty. There's a staircase as soon as you walk in. I go up. There's a long hallway full of people. It seems that they're all pouring into her room. I push through the crowd. Maka is on the bed crying, Spirit is talking to Dad and Stein, Black*Star and Tsubaki talking to some grownups who seem like they could be teachers from our school. Liz and Patty are comforting Maka.

Yomi's room is like a terrible crime scene: tattered and torn bed sheets and curtains, a broken chair, broken closet door, desk and table, and a shattered window...a tragedy. It all only makes me feel worse about everything I've done.

Spirit makes his way toward me. He was too fast for Stein to stop him.

"Kid, what the hell did you do to my daughter?" he shouts. I don't know what to say. I just hold my head down. A flower pedal falls off one of the roses that I got for Yomi. It silently hit the ground.

"Answer me, you little punk!" he shouts. He jerks me up by my collar. My feet are no longer touching the ground. "Let him go, Spirit. He has nothing to do with this. Do you, Kid?" Stein asks. I don't answer. Spirit nearly throws me down. I catch myself before I fall. I can hear my dad talking. "...We'll gather a search party tonight..." he says. Maka pulls me over to Yomi's bed and sits me down between her and Liz. Her eyes are puffy and her face is red. You can tell she's been crying nonstop.

"Kid, we want you to tell us what happened. Did you say anything to Yomi to make her wanna leave?" Maka asks. I don't answer. It's like I can't find the words to say. "You have to say something, Kid." Liz says. I want to but I can't. I want to say: I yelled at her and practically called her a liar. I hit her, broke her I actually tore it out of her, spat on it, and then threw it at her... She left because I was being a complete ass to her.

"Did she say anything to you about leaving the last time you saw her?" Liz asks. She was afraid of me. Or...that's what it seems like. She was upset. I made her that way, just to let you know...

The questioning stops and both Maka and Liz leave. Patty stays behind and pats my back. Her attempt to comfort me fails.

"Alright, everyone. Meet me in the Death Room right away." Dad says. I'm the last one to leave. I want to look around Yomi's room for anything that could lead me to where she could be. Under her bed I find a ripped up book. On the front there was her name written in kanji. She writes so neatly.

I open the book and skim towards the back. There was nothing but journal entries about me and her. It makes me want to cry for a while. In the back of the book there was something written on the back in what could be permanent marker: I think I'm in love with Death the Kid, is what it says.


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