Chapter Five

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"Are you guys sure that we should be doing this?" Sayomi asked from behind me. "There's an old legend that there was once a ghost spotted in the school and that it only comes out at night." Black*Star says. A big dust cloud had formed where Liz was standing. Patty was gone too. Sayomi giggled. "Those two." She says.

We are all on our toes, just in case some teacher decided to lag behind to grade papers or something.

The school is actually quite creepy when it's all dark and empty like this. Sayomi is next to me. I can tell that she's a little frightened. Her hand keeps brushing against mine. She looks over at me and smiles. "You tryin' to hold my hand?" she asks. I can feel my face get hot when she asks. I can't find the words to say when she asks that. She just smiles and grabs my wrist, making me walk faster.

We wander the school for about 10 minutes. Nothing happens, but the thought of us getting caught at any second made it exciting. "This is boring. How about we go to Medusa's old office? Maybe there's something interesting in there!" Soul suggests. Maka objects. "I don't know, Soul…" "C'mon, Maka, don't be such a baby. Have fun once in a while. Don't be such an uptight goody-goody." Black*Star crosses his arms. Maka mumbles a few swear words and continues behind me and Sayomi.

"How much longer are we gonna do this Black*Star, it's getting kinda late." Tsubaki asks. Black*Star shrugs.

We made it to Medusa's office. It was plain and white. Like a doctor's office. Black*Star and Soul went through cabinets while me and Sayomi went through drawers. Maka and Tsubaki tried to find any other crazy thing that Medusa could be hiding in here. "So, have you guys found anything." Someone said. We all look. Stein sat in the door way in his wheel-y chair. "Nope, not yet. But don't worry, we'll find something soon enough!" he answers. After a short while he finally realizes who he was talking to. He turns slowly around and there was Stein giving him an evil glare. "U-uh, Professor Stein. H-how's it hagin'?" Black*Star asks. "I'm doing just fine, but as for all of you, I don't know how you'll feel after your punishment. Especially you, Sayomi." Stein says. She looks up to Stein and nods. "I'll take any punishment you throw at me…!" she says boldly.

"The bathroom, janitor's closet and the hallway in front of the Crescent Moon Classroom? Jeez, this is gonna take forever." Sayomi moans, dropping her to do list onto the floor. "At least you're here to help me clean it up!" Sayomi smiles at me. I nod. "Well, let's get to work."

I head into the boy's bathroom and Sayomi took the girl's.

After about thirty minutes of hard labor of cleaning the bathrooms I get out and head for the hallway in front of our classroom. Papers, candy wrappers, banana peels, and other disgusting things sat on the ground waiting to be picked up. Sayomi had already started. She looks up at me and wipes the sweat from her forehead. "Here ya go!" she holds out a pair of gloves and a garbage bag for me. I hop over the trash and grab them from her and start cleaning.

That hallway took about 25 minutes to clean. Our garbage bags were full of stinky things. It made my nose burn. At least we got that over with. Now all we have to do is the janitor's closet.

The closet was all the way on the opposite end of the school, so it took us a while to get there. Sayomi opened the closet door and out fell a truckload of tissue paper, spray bottles, mops, brooms, and dust pans fall from the closet (It was more tissue than anything else). Me and Sayomi were buried. "Who keeps this my toilet paper in a janitor's closet?" Sayomi asks. "Well, this could be because we go to a school with no limitations to the kid's entries, so we have to keep supplies heavy." I answer. She stares at me.

"Alright then, let's get to cleanin'." She says with a clap of her hands. I imagine:

I clean up most of the mess, the closet is completely symmetrical. Sayomi thinks that I'm a symmetrical genius! And then we-

"Kid, wake up, dude!" she says. I feel a roll of toilet paper bounce off my head and I hear her joyous laughter. I sigh and pick up a roll and launch it at her. Her laughter halts and she catches the paper with her hand. "You pickin' a fight with me, Death the Kid?" she asks. "If that's what you wanna call it, then yes!" I reply. "Then let's do this." She said. Slowly, we both pick up a roll. I stare into her beautiful blue eyes and she stared into mine. "Ready….Fight!" she yells. We throw the paper back and forth at each other. Hitting one another wherever we could. Our laughter killed the silence. The only thing that was on my mind was her.

When I snap back into reality, I find her on top of me. Her eyes searching mine, while mine get lost in hers. Her face goes red. She quickly gets up and apologizes. I get up too. I grab her wrist and pull her towards me. She falls into my chest. She has a confused look on her face, but it's quite cute. Her face is still red. "It's okay." I answer her apology. Her hands crawl their way up to my shoulders. Her eyes slowly began to close. I could feel mine go heavy and begin to close as well.

I could feel her breath brush against my lips. I could feel my heart throb in my chest – louder and harder than they ever has before. I know that she can hear it. I know it's because of her.

Before long, I can fell something soft and warm are pressed against my lips. They were hers! I can feel my heart melt inside of me.

My hands had a mind of their own; one making their way around her waist and the other slipping around the back of her neck, pulling her closer to me and deepening the sweet and gentle kiss.

She pulls away and I already begin to miss her tender lips. I look at her cherry face. "You're so cute." I tell her. "You are too." She smiles.

We both begin our cleaning duties. Both of us wore proud smiles on our faces as we do so.

What could this mean?

Chasing Pavements: Death the Kid Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now