City of Jimin

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My eyes are like doors to my greatest treasures. My eyes could show me the things I wanted to see. Things I loved, things I aspired and dreamed of. It could aslo show me things I didn't want to see. Things I hated, things I frowned upon, things that make me sad or angered.

Such eyes can be the cause of death and destruction. Such eyes can deceive the mind to believe the lies of the world are sweet nothings, that become something. Eyes like mine can feed your soul with material and flush away nostalgia.

But my eyes were trying to showing me. They were foggy and weak, but they wanted to show me something. My eyes moved me. Body as weak as the eyes that controlled it. The eyes that coaxed it from its rest and carried it to the other side of the room. The side of the room where the window was. Bars blocking the way through a thick glass.

Then my brown orbs moved to the ground. A cold breeze had been brushing against the pale skin of my leg. There was a stream of frosty air coming from a small vent. I stared at it for a moment. Was this it?

The vent was sealed shut like any other vent. I came down to sit by it. The silence of my prison ran echoes of murderous screams against my way drums. Silence was a thing I hated. It was so loud.

Then it was greeted. With faint whispers. Soft melodic sounds traveling with the cold current of air. I couldn't make out the tone, or song, or words if that's what it was. But it was gentle and soothing.

Then I was pulled from my trance when my eyes shifted. They moved and locked onto the window. The darkness illuminated by the soft morning rays that peeked into the room through the bars. I felt lost.

I turned and the vent was gone. The cold air had haulted and my mind went blank. I let my brows fall as my mind tried to register the situation. Eyes watching dust sleeping on any available surface.

If only there were a way to take myself away from this misery.

If only I can escape.

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