"Hey, wait for me!" The echoes from his quickened pace came to a halt when he finally caught up to me.

After roaming around the house for about an hour, we finally settled down in the family garden to exchange a few more conversations. And through those conversations, I realized how easy it was for me to talk to Fredricks. He is hilarious, yet polite and well-mannered, the perfect guy that every girl would want. Here's a toast to the lucky girl that could successfully capture his heart.

"Abbey...Abbey!" Fredricks waved his hand in front of me.

"What kept you so deep in thought?"

"It's nothing." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded my head violently to show that I was perfectly fine.

"Well then, come along. It's time for dinner!" He dragged me up from my seat and led me to the dining area.

"Come on! I'm starving!" He was like a little boy who wasn't allowed to play video games until he finished his work. I giggled at the sight of his cuteness. But that all changed when I saw Nicholas standing in the dining area, with his hands clenched and folded across his chest.

I am so dead.

"Nicholas! I didn't know you were here!" Fredricks proceeded to pat Nicholas on the back.

"Come! Join us for dinner!" Fredricks helped me to my chair before leading Nicholas to his seat.

"Nicholas! I didn't expect for you to be here! I thought you would be sending someone else to pass the briefcase to me." Hendricks' voice boomed as he descended the stairs.

"Well, if you want something done, you have to do it yourself." Nicholas replied as he shook Hendricks' hand while continuing to send me his death glares.

I ate quietly over dinner, taking as little portion as possible as I continued to feel Nicholas staring at me while talking to Hendricks and Fredricks. It was as if he was stabbing daggers into me. It came to a point where I could no longer tolerate it that I excused myself and headed for the restroom.

Cupping my hands under the running tap, I splashed the water on my face. The coldness gave a weird kind of relief from the treatment I had been receiving from Nicholas. Gazing into the mirror, I dreaded the feeling of having to return to the dinner table.

Just then, Fredricks' face surfaced in my mind, and all signs of anxiousness disappeared when I thought about his goofiness. I smiled into the mirror, with a sudden realization that I looked like a crazy lunatic. Fredricks did not affect me the way Nicholas did. With Fredricks, it was all flowers and rainbows. But with Nicholas, it was all dark and mysterious. Perhaps I was exaggerating, but that was truly how I felt.

I stepped out of the bathroom, ready to head back when I was blocked by a wall which I was certain, wasn't there before. Peering up, I was met with Nicholas, whom by now, was looking down at me. I instantly retreated in my footsteps and bumped against the toilet door.

"Gosh, don't you have anything better to do than to scare someone?" I exclaimed, placing a hand on my chest to calm my breathing.

"Why? One would not be easily frightened unless they have done something wrong." He retaliated with a deadpan face.

"You're the one that snuck up on me. Besides, apart from the briefcase, my conscience is crystal clear." I rolled my eyes at his remark.

"I'm not talking about the briefcase. I am talking about you and Fredricks? What is going on between the both of you? He keeps staring at you like he..." He stopped talking.

"Like what?" I pried, folding my arms across my chest while I lifted my eyebrows.

"Nothing that concerns you. Just tell me what is going on between the both of you." He pressed.

What is he, my dad?

"Whoa! Okay mister." I felt the blood in my veins start to boil, circulating at a faster rate. "First of, I just met the guy, so I don't think that it's possible to have something going on with a person you just met. Secondly, I think my relationship with other people is absolutely none of your concern! So, I have no idea what gives you the right to pry into my personal life." Saying my piece, I stormed off and returned to the table, leaving Nicholas standing in the dimly lit hallway.

"So, Abbey, Fredricks had told me a great deal of things about you. Tell me, do you have any siblings?" Hendricks asked, leaning his weight against the table.

"Yes, sir. I do have a sister, her name's Agnes." I smiled.

"Oh, if I may ask, how old is she?"

Crap! I didn't know the age of my own sister.

"Twenty-one." I blurted randomly as I suddenly recalled Julie telling me that she was 4 years older than me.

"Dad, I hope you are not trying to match make the both of us." Fredricks eyed his father.

"Oh son, you are not young anymore! Besides, I am ageing as fast as you are growing up! All I wish to see is some grand kids!"

"Rest assured father, I have a feeling that your wish will be granted sooner than you think." He gave me a wink. I gave a sheepish smile and rolled my eyes at his response. Just how silly can this guy be?

Little did I know that Nicholas was standing behind me, hearing every bit of the conversation. "Apologies, but I am afraid that it is time for both Miss Abbey and I to head back." He said, pulling my arm, forcing me to stand up.

"My! Look at how fast time flies!" Hendricks exclaimed as he checked his watch. "I guess it is time to be heading home. Thank you both for joining us this evening. We would be delighted to have you here anytime."

"Thank you, Nicholas." Fredricks took his hands and shook it.

"And thank you, my dear Abbey. I have a feeling that we will be seeing each other soon," he bent forward and kissed me on the cheek, causing a patch of redness to form on my cheeks. Once all goodbyes were said, both of us stepped out into the night and returned home.

The ride back was quiet, and to be honest, it was rather awkward with Nicholas as he kept his gaze fixed upon me, while I on the other hand, was trying my best not to make any eye contact with him. I just hoped that I could get out of this carriage as soon as possible. I couldn't stand another moment with him.

Soon enough, my prayers were answered. Quickly, I dashed out of the carriage and into the house before sprinting up the stairs. Not long after, I could hear the front door slam shut. And from then on, I knew that I would be in for a dreadful night.

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