"I don't mean jump his bones. Just have a conversation with him." I stood next to her as she finished and the came up to us. 

"Hey, almost time for baseball," Alex said. 

"Alright," we said at the same time, heading out to the bus. 

As we got on, we noticed quite a few crew members were there. I slunk into my bed from the night before while everyone was greeted and took out my drawing paper and started to sketch. There was cheers and boo's coming from outside the door, as I chuckled. How anyone really got that worked up had me, but they were boys. Or around a lot of boys, anyway. 

After a while, Jack leaned on the bed, "Can I join you?" 

"Sure," I said, still sketching. He sat next to me and scooted back, kissing the side of my head. 

"Those look nice," he said, pointing the the faeries I had drew out. 

"Nothing special, really. Just sketching." He hugged and and smiled. 

"Why aren't you out there?" 

"I don't like sports," I said with a shrug, placing my paper and pencil next to me, laying back, arms crossing below my belly button. 

"Well, that's no fun," he said, tilting his head a bit. "I miss you." 

"I missed you too, but you should spend time with the guys. You've been awfully clingy to me lately." Ouch. That's not what I meant to say. 

"You don't want to be around me?" He asked with a saddened inflection of his voice. 

I put some of my hair behind my ears and looked to him, "That's not what I meant. I mean that you've been spending all this time with me, and no so much with your friends." What the fuck? Why don't I just tell him to get out of my face while I am at it? 

"Well, I'm going to go finish watching the game, and get ready for the show tomorrow. Have fun." His voice had a touch of anger in it, and if he was looking for a quickie, he was not going to get it. 

Jack had walked out, slightly letting out a grunt and I just covered my eyes with my hands and groaned. Way to go again, Emily. 

Laying there, I replayed the moments over in my head with Jack. It made me smile, but with the good, there is always the bad. Him being away from me, him being mad at me. Me walking out on him, making him sad and upset enough to have the boys be awkward towards me. Maybe I shouldn't have taken that leap. This was all beginning to be too much for me. 

I got out my suitcase and took out a simple cocktail dress and some matching pumps, putting them on in the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Jack said I had an amazing body, but was it really? My arms jiggled, I had a little fat pouch, and my thighs were chunky. Beginning to feel insecure, I started poking and pinching my problem areas, wondering if everyone saw me the way I saw myself. 

I got out my phone and called Allison. She picked up after a few rings, "Hey, what's up?" 

"Can you come in here? I need to talk to you." 

"Yeah, that's fine," she said and then hung up. 

I sat on the toilet, probably for a good five minutes before she came back. "Hey, Allison." 

"What's wrong?" She asked, kneeling next to me. 

"I need a curling iron and make up." 

"No problem," she said, leaving and then coming back with everything I needed. 

Just before she walked out, I blurted out, "Am I fat?" 

Allison had stopped in her tracks and turned around, shutting the door. "What's wrong?" 

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