Chapter 29: It's In The Blood

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"No. Not even once" Emily said.

"Wow" JJ said. She just knew she had to somehow tell Derek that Emily and John had been through that before.

"Well..." JJ stared. "I talked to your doctor and he said they can take your stitches out today"

"Really?" Emily asked relieved.

"Yes and if they do that we can get you out of here in two or three days, if your exams are clean" JJ said.

"Do you know where I'll be going to?" Emily asked.

JJ reached inside her pocket and took a piece of paper out. She handed it to Emily who opened it and just stared at the word...



Monday morning, Morgan woke Isabella up while Garcia got ready.
"Bella" he said running his hand on her arm. She moved a little. "Wake up princess. It's time for school" he said and she opened her eyes.

"Morning" Bella said fully opening her eyes.

"We gotta go. Come on" Derek said. Bella got up and went to get ready. They sat to eat breakfast together and Bella remembered Derek would be back at work for real now.

"Uncle Morgan?" She said really low.

"Yes?" He said and looked at her.

"Are you going on a case today?" She said as tears filled her eyes. She was terrified of that.

"I don't know yet princess" he said feeling bad. Both grownups could see the girl was scared about that.

Bella took some time to think and then said "I don't want you to go" and the tears started falling.
Derek took a deep breath. He knew that would be hard for the girl.

"Look, I don't think I'll be going anywhere today, okay? But if I do you're going to be okay with Garcia" he said and she just looked down.
"But I don't think I'll have a case today" he said hoping that would somehow help her.
Bella just stayed quiet and finished her breakfast.


At school Bella had a really hard time trying not to think that the team would be going away somewhere dangerous. She texted Morgan a few times to make sure everyone was alright inside the BAU. He picked her up at 3:30 and she hugged him and said with a small smile "I'm so glad you didn't go anywhere"

"Me too" he said smiling.
They went to the BAU and when Bella walked in her heart sank.
They had cleaned Emily's desk.

"Where are her things?" Bella asked as her eyes filled with tears.

"Everything is in my car" Morgan said. Bella looked at him and just cried. He picked her up and went to Rossi's office since everyone was gathered in the conference room. "I'm sorry but we can let her things stay there" he explained as he put her down on the couch.

"I know" Bella said as tears kept falling. "I just didn't know they would take it out today" she said.

Derek wrapped her in his arms as she calmed down.
"Look" he said letting go of the hug. "I'm getting my own office soon and I'll make a little place for you in there, okay? We can keep some of her things there too if you want" he said and Bella nodded. "Alright" he gave her a little smile. Suddenly Reid walked in.

"Hi" Spencer said. "Hotch is asking for you"

"I'll be right there" Derek said. Reid gave them a small understanding smile and walked back to the conference room.

"Are you okay now?" Derek asked Bella. She nodded yes.
"Do you have any homework?"

"Yes" she said.

The Hunting Hour - A Criminal Minds Fiction Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt