Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Eight)

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“Alexia,” he replied in the same tone. I rolled my eyes.

“Why are you in here? Shouldn’t you be doing something leader-like? Or you know, productive?”

“I find this to be highly productive, since now you will be forced to talk to me.”

Arthur muttered something, and I turned to him, seeking refuge. “I’m busy. Right, Arthur?”

“Oh, no,” he told me. “I’m not getting you out of this one. You pissed off Dom, you deal with the consequences. I’m going after Richard, else he lose himself in this insane maze.”

“Thank you,” I called after him helplessly. With nowhere else to go, I turned back to Dom, who had his arms folded and his mouth turned up in a triumphant smile. “You’re a piece of work, have I ever told you that?”

“No, but it’s good to know. Now, I need to know why you’re in a mood and won’t talk to me.”

“I’m PMSing,” I lied, hoping this would scare him off. However, he did not look disgusted in the least, as I hoped he would be.

“You’re perfectly fine Alexia.”

“Okay,” I drew out the last sound of the word, stalling. “I’m in a mood because you won’t call me Alex.”


“Oo, Dom’s being serious.”

He reached out and grabbed my wrist, tightening his fingers around it enough that I was stuck. “Alex, seriously. Why won’t you tell me?”

I fought the insane urge to laugh as I pressed a palm to my forehead, closing my eyes. “You know, I really don’t know.”

Dom released me. “What?”

“I don’t know why I’m angry with you,” I confessed quickly. “I just am. Does that make sense?”

“You – “

“Are you two done squabbling?” Arthur asked, returning to us with Richard in tow. I nodded and ducked past him. He called after me, “What are you doing?”

“Checking on something…important,” I yelled back. I couldn’t ignore the rapid beat of my heart any longer. If I waited any more, I was afraid they would be able to hear it, or I’d have a heart attack right there. If I had a heart attack in my dream, would I wake up or die? I didn’t want to test it. But I did want out of this dream. So, with no more hesitation, once I was out of view, I pulled out the gun that was always attached to my hip and twisted it to point directly at my heart. Closing my eyes, I pulled the trigger.

Blue. That was what I saw first. Brilliant blue eyes, even more blue that Dom’s. But that made sense. Dom’s were grey. Blue grey, but still grey all the same. No, they were bluer than Richard’s, which was impressive in itself. As I came to more, I realized exactly who I was looking at. Robert Fischer in the flesh, right in front of me. What was going on? He was supposed to be clueless, but here he was. I gasped and sat up.

“You’re – “

“Robert, I know,” he interrupted, holding up a hand to shush me. “But who are you? When will Dom and Arthur be out of their sleep? And who’s that?”

“So many questions,” I muttered, pushing myself out of the chair. My mind worked through this quickly. Richard wanted to plant this idea in Robert’s brain, but Robert couldn’t be here. I had to get rid of him, quickly. If Richard woke up and saw him here, he could pull the plug on the whole thing. “I’m Alexia. Why don’t you come over here with me?”

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