Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Six)

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“So you’re teaching him how to…have fun?” Cassie said skeptically. I nodded eagerly, settling into a more comfortable position.

We were perched in my room, cross legged on the bed. Chandler sat beside us on the ground, flicking through one of my old magazines. It was nearly ten now, and I was to meet Dom at ten fifteen. I had no doubt that he would be right on time. Cassie and Chandler were dressed comfortably in sweats and hoodies, but I was in a black dress, short, but not too short, with multiple layers, and a belt around my waist.

My plans were simple – Dom needs to have a good time. So, I was taking him out for a night in town. French clubs, bars, dancing, etc. If he didn’t find that fun, he was completely insane.

I told this to them, but they looked at me as though I was crazy.

“Dom never lets loose,” Chandler commented. Like I didn’t already know that.

“I know. That’s why I’m going to make him enjoy himself.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Cassie said hesitantly. “I mean, I’m all for him relaxing and having fun, but he’s the driving force behind us. We would be going at a much slower pace if he would let us.”

I waved my hands at her. “Don’t worry, he’ll still be the same Dom. I’m not going to scar him for life.”

Cassie narrowed her dark brown eyes at me suspiciously. “Is Eames going? Because he WILL scar him.”

“Maybe you should take Arthur too – he could use some fun in his life,” chortled Chandler. I tried not to laugh, but my lips twitched into a smile, betraying me. As always, Arthur had impeccable timing, letting himself into my room just as Chandler finished his sentence.


I couldn’t help it – I burst out in giggles. I’m not usually a giggler, but the moment was just too perfect. Arthur looked especially serious at the moment, dressed in not a vest, but a sweater vest, and his usual stiff, collared shirt, this one white. His pants looked like they were ironed neatly, and his shoes shined. His hair was slicked back with no stray hairs, and he was eying us warily. Within seconds, Chandler and Cassie were laughing as well, and Arthur was shaking his head.

“What are you three going on about?”

“Alex is taking Dom out and trying to make him have fun,” Chandler blurted out. I smacked his arm. “Ouch! Woman!”

“Dom? Fun?” Arthur said skeptically. I snorted.

“Like you’re one to talk.”

“I have fun!”

“What, solving math equations?”

He scowled. “I resent that.”

“Maybe Arthur should go with you,” Cassie suggested brightly. Arthur nodded.

“Yeah, maybe I should. Where are you going?”

I pursed my lips and directed my words towards Cassie and Chandler. “If he’s coming, you two are coming too. Got it?”

“Fifteen minutes isn’t enough time to get ready,” Cassie protested, fingering her ponytail. Chandler laughed.

“You girls take so long to get ready. I’ll go – I’ll change and be right back.” He exited the room, followed quickly by Cassie, who was still muttering about no time, and wondering out loud what she would even start to do with her hair. I was left with Arthur, who still looked confused. I stood from the bed, extending my legs. I glanced at the slim silver watch on my wrist. Ten oh eight. Seven more minutes.

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