Alternate Ending: Arthur

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Here you go guys! Just a quick little alternate ending for all you Arthur/Alex fans out there :) This was fun to write, and I hope you like it!

            “Get out of bed, sleepy head.”

            “Mm…don’t wanna.”

            “Alexia,” Arthur’s soft voice chided, though I could tell he was holding back a laugh. I smiled and rolled onto my back, looking at him. He was leaning over the bed, already dressed for the day. He was beautiful. I pulled on his tie, pulling him closer to me so that I could kiss him. He smiled into my lips. “Good morning…”

            “Come here,” I demanded childishly, yanking a little harder on his tie. He obliged, falling into bed with me. He curled up with me, nuzzling his nose into my neck. I sighed, blissful and unworried. “Where are you going so early?”

            “To the workshop,” he said regretfully, and also carefully. I nodded, being sure not to let my discomfort show. He was going to see the team, that was what he meant. He was still working with them. After rejecting Dom, I left the team. Better me than Arthur, I figured, and it was too much being around Dom constantly. And even three years after, I still couldn’t face him. Not that I regretted choosing Arthur – Arthur was wonderful. My second half, my perfect match. “Are you going to be okay home alone?”

            “I’m pregnant, not an idiot. I’ll be fine.”

            “There’s the sharp William’s wit,” he laughed, kissing me once more before sitting up. “But Alex, really, when are we going to get married? You’re pregnant. We’re having a kid. We have to get married eventually.”

            I squirmed. Marriage with Arthur? I had grown up thinking that marriage would end in unhappiness for everyone. But with Arthur…I could see a future. I could see myself in a white house with a fence, kid at my side, waiting for Arthur to come home. And there he’d come, walking through the gate, dark hair tousled, eyes focused on me and my child with love and adoration. It would be perfect. “I…I’m not getting married while I’m pregnant! I want to look skinny in the pictures!”

            Arthur stared at me, mouth opening slightly. “Does that mean…you’ll marry me?”

            I groaned, covering my face. “Well, you’ve badgered me into it…”

            “I know the truth. You want to,” he said, delighted. He nearly laughed, but contained himself, making himself more composed. “We’ll talk about it in a six weeks, when he or she is born.”

            “What are we going to name him or her?” I murmured, touching my round stomach. “I haven’t even thought of it…have you?”

            “Yeah,” Arthur said sheepishly. “I was thinking…maybe Carson if it’s a boy? Or Emilia if it’s a girl…”

            I kissed him. “Those are lovely names.”

            “Eames actually suggested Carson. I’m worried he’s up to something with that.”

            “Oh, Eames is harmless,” I said casually. I sat up, getting out of bed to plod over to the closet. I pulled on my comfiest clothes, then turned back to my ridiculously good looking boyfriend, and now fiancé. “Do you think I’ll make a good mom?”

            “Oh, Alex,” he sighed, and he was by my side in an instant, cradling me close, making me feel as if I was the child. “You don’t know how amazing you’re going to be. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

            “You better not be lying,” I joked. “Now scoot. Off to work with you. I have a wedding to plan.”

            “I love you.”

            “And I love you.”


            Wedding bells kept running through my head, light and cheerful and wonderful. I was married. I was married! And it was perfect. I knew it was perfect when I walked down that aisle and saw Arthur in his tuxedo, his hair not perfect as he liked, but artfully tousled as I preferred. And then there was me, hair down as he requested, simple white dress, and in the arms of Eames, our daughter, Emilia.

            I gazed across the room as Chandler and I danced a waltz. Arthur stood in the corner, talking to Cassie and Eames, his arms protectively around our little girl. He looked down at her with such love. He looked up and caught my eye, grinning. He held up his hand in a wave, and I returned it.

            “So I guess I can’t call you slut anymore,” Chandler commented, drawing me back to him. He spun me around, then back in. “I need to think up a good nickname. I can’t believe I can’t use that one. It was perfect!”

            “Hey!” I protested. “Careful. You’re talking to a married woman. My husband will beat you up.”

            “Arthur? He couldn’t beat up a fly!”

            I raised an eyebrow. “You obviously haven’t seen him with a gun.”

            “Mind if I cut in?” a low voice asked, a voice that I knew well. I turned and caught sight of Dom’s bright blue eyes. I waited for the rush that I was expecting, the butterflies in my stomach, and the nerves. But it wasn’t there. He was just Dom. I moved from Chandler to Dom, seamlessly continuing the waltz. “You’re a beautiful bride.”

            “Thank you,” I said softly. I could feel Arthur’s eyes on my back, and I knew he was probably tensed, ready to react if Dom said anything to upset me, or likewise. “I’m glad to see you here. I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

            “Me neither,” he admitted, letting out a laugh. “But I’ve licked my wounds. I’ve gotten over my pride. I’m happy for the both of you, truly.”

            “Thank you!” I blurted out, throwing my arms around him in a hug. He laughed and hugged me back briefly before releasing me.

            “I think your husband wants you. Oh, and Alex? We’d love to have you back.”

            “Thanks, Dom,” Arthur said, placing a hand on the small of my back. I leaned into him, resting my head against his chest. We waved to Dom as he walked away, heading towards Eames. “Everything okay?”

            “Everything is perfect,” I told him, relaxing into a slow dance with him. I moved closer and he paused, letting me step on top of his feet. Once situated, he began moving in a slow circle, keeping me as close as possible. As I stared up into my husband’s eyes, the same eyes my daughter had, I was struck again at how much I loved him. “Arthur…I really love you. A lot.”

            “I love you, Alexia Williams. Even if you did take the longest time getting here.”

            I smiled and snuggled in closer, ignoring all the guests around us who were staring and taking pictures. I didn’t care that in a few minutes, I had to throw the bouquet, or that we had to cut the cake, or I had to retrieve my daughter to give to Cassie while Arthur and I left for our honeymoon. I didn’t even care that we were leaving for beautiful Aruba in just an hour. All that mattered was here and now. My wedding with Arthur. My beautiful child. And though my life wasn’t perfect, I could now say that it was a happy life, and one that I wanted to live.

Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For MeWhere stories live. Discover now