Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Twelve)

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“Definitely wear that.”

“Do not wear that.”

“Don’t be such a party pooper, Dominic.”

“Don’t be such a man whore, Chandler.”

I turned around and glared at the two boys, planting my hands on my hips. “Okay, I don’t need commentary from either of you. I have to go meet Robert in thirty minutes, and I am not changing my dress. I am aware that I look like a slut – I am supposed to. So keep your comments to yourselves, boys.”

I spun around back to the mirror, turning to the side to see the dress from the side. Dom was right – I really shouldn’t be wearing something like this. It was everything a slutty dress should be – short, tight, and red. All in all, it wasn’t something that would really look bad, but I borrowed it from Ariadne, and she’s just a bit shorter and lighter than me, so on her, the dress probably is flattering. For me…well, if you see me on the corner of New York downtown, don’t think I’m a prostitute, please. I mussed my hair up a bit more, spraying the waves with a bit of hairspray.

“Okay. I think I’m ready.”

Dom started to speak, and I held up a hand. “Dom, I know the plan, don’t you dare go over it again.”

“Fine,” he conceded. “Are you done, then? Everyone is waiting for us.”

I nodded. “Ready. Do you have the guns?”


“Great,” I took a deep breath and followed Dom out into the main room. He was right – everyone was waiting, dressed formally. We would be performing the deed in a nice hotel. Strictly black tie. I wondered if they’d let me in, since I looked more like a slut than a classy woman.

I avoided looking at Arthur with determination. We hadn’t really spoken ever since the kiss, except for business work. I didn’t know why – it was just a kiss, after all, and we were both drunk. Probably.

“Alexia!” Cassie exclaimed, her voice full of hidden shock, and forced compliments. “You look, uh, nice.”

“I look like a slut,” I said bluntly. She blushed prettily and smoothed her hands over her very modest grey dress. I grinned at her. “You can say it, you know.”

“Well, maybe a little slutty,” she mumbled. Beside her, Arthur chuckled, and my eyes darted to him for a moment, and then back. He stood beside Anna – too close, really. Even though he always had on dressy clothes, today he looked even more put together, and it was unnerving. I moved my eyes over to Dom, which proved to be a bad idea, as well. He was equally as distracting in his suit and tie. So, I focused my stareon Eames instead. He smirked at me.

“I don’t know, I like it.”

“Wow, you are so funny,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Ha. Ha.”

“We need to get going,” Dom interrupted, giving us both a patronizing look. He held out his arm. “Ready?”

“Yes,” I mumbled, slipping my arm around his, letting him walk me out. I appreciated the help – my heels were ridiculously high, and already I was regretting wearing them. I leaned against him, finding the strength of his arm comforting. I took in deep breaths, only now realizing how nervous I really was.

This was serious. This wasn’t tests in a lab, where we could be pulled out immediately if something didn’t go right. If this went wrong, it could mean we were vegetables for a very, very long time. Maybe forever. The thought made me tighten my fingers around Dom’s arm, and he looked down at me curiously. I shook my head.

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