Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Twenty)

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            “Hello there, Robert,” Arthur said as we walked through the door of the restaurant. He started, staring up at us in confusion. I sat across from him, staring at the cup that the waiter slid in front of me. Arthur took the seat next to me, while Dom and Richard hung back, pretending to drink at the bar. “How are you?”

            “A little confused…Why are you here?”

            “We’re here to finalize the company sale.” Arthur told him, sliding some papers across to him. I stared out the window, barely listening. My thoughts were elsewhere. I could feel Robert’s eyes on me, probably trying to figure out where he had seen my face before, where I had come from, and more importantly, why I was there. I wondered if Arthur would ask me to leave because of it. He didn’t disappoint. “Alexia? Could you get us some drinks while Robert signs?”

            “Sure,” I agreed, taking the leave. I joined Richard and Dom at the bar, positioning myself next to Richard. He raised a glass, drinking deeply. The bartender slid me a gin drink. Just what I needed, I thought dryly. More alcohol. But I downed it anyways, grimacing after the bitter taste went down my throat. I kept my voice down so that only Richard could hear me. “So what happened to you?”

            “Mother abandoned us when we were young,” he told me, also quiet. I was sure he didn’t want anyone else to hear. I was one of the few who had heard this, I was sure. “My father lost interest in us after that. He spent most of his time at the company, even sleeping there. I grew up taking care of my younger sister and brother.”

            “That sucks,” I commented, getting a small smile out of him.

            “You’re right. But it’s life, isn’t it? You understand better than anyone here.”

            “Except perhaps Dom,” I murmured, thinking of how his wife killed herself and pinned it on him in hopes that he too would kill himself. I took another sip of my drink, almost gone now. “But that’s beside the point. Richard, what do you think of going further than this? Further than limbo?”

            He considered this, dark eyebrows casting shadows over his eerie, pale eyes. I watched his face, curious as to what this outsider thought about our rather stupid adventure. Our stupid test. Why were we doing it? Just to prove that we were the best, that Dom was the best at what he did? But his pride wasn’t that deep. I didn’t know. Richard took his time responding, speaking his words slowly. “I am not as experienced as your team, who has been in many dreams, and I can’t know how dangerous this could be. There was never any risk for me in this, but this idea that you have…I don’t agree with it. I think it’ll only lead to bad things.”

            “Like what?”

            He shrugged, cutting off our conversation at that. I wondered what it could bring. What if it did lead to our death? We would forever be brain dead. Or it could let us live, though the temptation to stay would be so great, we would be stranded forever. It could be something terrible – it could be our own minds, trapping us and holding us captive in our own thoughts and insecurities. The thought made me shudder, and I prayed that we would be alright. We had to be.

             I watched as Arthur talked to Robert a bit more, laughing and smiling to put him at ease. And then, Robert signed. I could hear Richard let out a relieved breath.

            “I thought he wouldn’t do it. Does this mean that the idea is planted?”

            “It should be,” Dom confirmed. “We’ll find out. So, are you going to be alright hanging out here?”

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