Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Five)

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“This is Richard,” I mused. “How…unexpected.”

We were all gathered in the main room, light spilling in. We sat in a half circle, staring at a few boards of information, pictures, and new articles, plus Ariadne and I’s architectural plans for the first two levels. Eames was pointing to a picture of a young man, probably about Dom’s age, with black hair and bright blue eyes. I studied him. He didn’t look as if he’d have a lot of money, but you never know. Perhaps it was inherited money, or something along those lines.

Cassie leaned into me from the left, whispering, “He’s pretty good looking!”

“He’s hot,” I agreed loudly. Dom scowled at me from across the room. I returned the face, and stuck my tongue out for good measure. “It’s true.”

Chandler leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands. His blue eyes sparkled with some joke, though that was normal for him. He always seemed as though he was going to start laughing at any moment over some little joke he’s told himself or someone else. “I don’t know. I think I’m hotter.”

“Your modesty amazes me,” Arthur commented from the right side of me. He was leaning across to look at Chandler, nearly across my lap. “But perhaps we should focus on the job?”

“You’re just jealous.”


“I agree,” Eames claimed, seeing a way to get off the subject of serious things. I couldn’t help but laugh. Dom rolled his eyes at us, but didn’t attempt to stop the conversation. “You’re not very hot, Arthur.”

Arthur sat back in his chair, a scowl on his face. He smoothed back his hair with one hand, and I wondered if I should argue his cause. After all, he was pretty darn attractive. No one else seemed inclined to speak for him, so I made an executive decision. You know. For the good of Arthur. But there was also the bonus of ticking Dom off.

“I think Arthur’s really hot,” I piped up. This earned me a look from Eames, who clearly saw this as a treacherous move. Cassie was looking at me in amazement, and Chandler looked as though he was about to burst out laughing. “He is!”

Cassie started giggling, and I saw her eyes flick to Arthur. I followed them to his face, which was turning steadily pinker and pinker. He rolled his eyes at me and said nothing. I grinned innocently at him, which he ignored. I switched my gaze to Dom, who looked completely irritated. He pursed his lips, giving me a hard look. I widened my eyes, acting innocent.

“What’s wrong, Dom?”

“He wants to be told he’s pretty,” chortled Eames. This sent all of us into hysterics, much to Dom’s displeasure. I felt a twinge of guilt at his obvious discomfort. I leaned forward and smacked Eames stomach. He recoiled, clutching where I’d hit him. “Ouch! What was that for woman?”

“Enough,” I said seriously. He stared at me suspiciously, obviously trying to decide if I was being serious, or just faking it. I raised my eyebrows. “Try me, punk.”

“Yes, let’s get back to business,” Anna said quietly, almost quiet enough that I couldn’t hear her. I sent her a grateful smile. She smiled back, and I was struck by how pretty she was. Her dark hair was neatly coiled into a bun on the back of her head, and she held her slim frame up tall, increasing her height more. She seemed like Arthur’s type. Right there I felt a flicker of annoyance towards the girl, but I dismissed it.

“Anna’s right. I think we’ve annoyed Dom enough as it is.”

“Now you’re considerate,” he commented, though his face was more relaxed when he said this. “Eames, back to business, please.”

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