Chanyeol - Don't

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Chanyeol wasn't the most cutest guy, but yes I do think he looks decent. I've also heard that he's really sweet to his girls. I do not ever imagine being with him ever, but for some reasons he's in my inbox. So I guess I'm nice enough to actually talk to him. I kinda don't like how he likes me, I know that sounds really mean and petty. But that's just how I feel towards him. I need to friend zone him, because I really like this guy named Sehun. But I don't know about it.

I walk to my locker, which is 2 lockers away from him. I try to avoid him, because I promised him a hug. But in the end I did hug him. We walk to class, and I try not to make it awkward. So for that, I went into another advisory. I saw my best friend Naeun. I told her about me and Chanyeol.

During class Chanyeol is always talking to me, and messing with me. But I'm okay with it, because he's someone I talk to. Once we had to switch classes, he walked me to my class. Once we departed it was all of a sudden, boring without him.

It was the last period of the day, that was the only class that I liked being with him in. So we sat next to each other.

"Can I ask you something?" I hold his hand.

"What's up?" He looks at me.

"Why do you like me?" I ask him.

"Because you're pretty, smart, and easy to talk to." He smiles at me.

"Oh that's cute." I said.

He just smiles at me, his smile was so beautiful. Maybe I do like him?

While doing homework with him during that period, he makes a bet with me.

"If I get this one right, you owe me a kiss." He messes with me.

"Okay." I laugh at him.

He struggled with the math work sheet, meanwhile I already finished.

"This is one kiss." He said to me, and yes he was correct.

"Alright, I see you." I look at him as he's doing his work.

"2 kisses." He smiles, and I check it to see if it's correct, and yes it was. "3 kisses.... 4 kisses." He was getting really happy, I could see it in his eyes. "5 kisses." I checked them, and they were all right. So a bet is a bet.

"Good job!!!" I tell him.

"Now it's a promise?" He said.

"Alright." I smile at him, as we pinky promise.

Once it was time to go to lockers, I hold his hand and we walk up the stairs to our lockers. Once we get our stuff, I hugged him, and I kissed him. It was my first kiss, and it was with Chanyeol. I'll never forget that. His lips dominated my small lips, and I said goodbye. I missed him already.

That night I texted him, and he asked me a question.

Chanyeol - Do you miss me?

Me - yes

Chanyeol - Is it official?

Me - not yet.

Chanyeol - I love you

Me - I love you too

The next morning I couldn't wait to see him. I hugged him right away once I saw him. He kissed me on my left cheek. We walked to our 1st class of the day. Our advisory teacher had a feeling about us. He sat next to me, and watched me as I ate my breakfast.

"You're beautiful." He told me.

I smile at him. I listen to his friends conversations about sports.

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