Kris/Suho - Let time find our Love (part 5)

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1 week later ~

I had transfered to a new high school. I followed my dads rules. Even though I miss him, I'll just slowly forget you.

2 years later ~

It's been so long now, and I'm here still missing you.

5 years later ~

Suho POV ~

Second son of Kim Suhyun, one of the top 10 Chaebols in South Korea. My position in the company is Fashion Director. I sell and design products.

First day of work as the new fashion director. I slick back my brown hair up. Then I apply a lotion to my face. I wear a white dress shirt, and a black blazer over. Black pants, and black dress shoes. Then I was off to go.

Song Ah POV ~

A full time worker at Suhyun Company. I work in the fashion department, I am the new Team Leader. I am single, and independent.

I straighten my ash brown long hair, then I put it in place. I draw in my eyebrows, then draw my eyeliner. Then I put mascara on. For my first day of work, I am wearing a white dress shirt, then a black knee high flared skirt. I wear coffee colored stockings, and a pair of white comfy high heels.

I walked into Suhyun Company. I went to take my picture for my badge. I was adorable, my picture turned out pretty.

I walked into my office. It was a beautiful view of Seoul. My desk had a glass thing that wrote, "Park Song Ah" really big. Then it also wrote, "Fashion Department Team Leader"

"I really like you!" I said to my glass thing.

"You've worked hard!" I pat myself on my back.

"Team leader you may meet your co-workers and director now." The assistant helper told me.

"Okay." I smile at her.

I walk out of my office. I smile at them. Then all of a sudden I see Suho.

"Hello Team leader!" Suho was confused.

"Hello, I am your new Team Leader Park Song Ah!" I tried to avoid looking at him.

"Hello.." interns and workers say hi.

I go up and shake Suho's hand. I act like I don't know him.

Suho POV ~

The moment I see Song Ah walk out of the door. I don't even know what to say. Do I miss you? Do I still love you? Are my feelings for you still alive? Why are you so beautiful? I missed you so much.

Lunch ~

I see her sit alone like she did in high school. I go and sit with her.

"Song Ah-ish??" I smile at her.

"Oh, Suho??" She was confused.

"Why don't you sit with us?" I remember the day I asked her this.

"What??" She was confused.

"You don't remember?" My hopes fell down.

"Sit." She pulls me down.

We eat without saying a word.

"Did you miss me?" I ask her.

"You didn't run through my mind at all," she says.

"You got prettier than before!" I flirt with her.

"And?" She smirks at me.

"It was a compliment." I say softly.

"I don't want to be taken now. So give up," she gets up, and walks away.

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