Anything Besides That

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Taking turns and occasionally glancing towards buildings and street signs, I get out my phone and try to back-dial the number.

There's two rings and then a voice at the other end speaks.
"We want something."
"What?" I snap.
I'm in the middle of two ladies walking down through the crowd, so I try to make my voice quick and quiet.
"We need your personal information. Credit cards, passwords, everything else." The man speaks, his voice kind of raspy.

"What? No way. Anything besides that."
The line clicks and I groan, making the women beside me look at me strangely.
I rush home, and get quickly to thinking of a plan- something to help me out a little.
I'm not known for thinking quickly, but I kind of need to do so right now.

They hung up, and the last time they did that, they had hurt Phil really bad, so I only have so much time.
I try to think everything through, everything that could go right and wrong; and there are tons of things.

I put my heart in my hands and glance over at the clock. 9:18

I kinda throw my heart on the floor realizing it's late and I won't be able to even go outside.
Maybe it's the fear of falling apart (hah)
Or the dark. Or maybe the possibility that something will go wrong. I'm never 100% sure.

I take a long hard look at the pictures in it's frame- the one that Phil ripped, but I kept.
Suddenly I feel like I should do everything I can do to get him back.

I walk into my room and wear the blackest clothes I can manage so I blend into the dark a bit.
Once I'm done, I grab the pocket knife from behind the painting- yes we have one.
It's for emergencies and you never know if this could be one.
I don't grab my phone because I don't feel like it's necessary at all.

After contemplating all the possibilities, I finally swallow all my fear and all my doubt and manage to walk out the door.
After a few steps, I start to ask myself if this is necessary.
If it's really necessary.
But I'll do it for him, because I'm almost certain he would do the same.

A few feet and now I'm really starting to think.
But I keep walking because I don't have time to go back.

Maybe this isn't necessary.
I shouldn't be putting myself in danger.
I shouldn't be putting myself in danger for him.

Actually, he's not that important to me anyway.

He doesn't mean a thing to me.

He wouldn't want me to get him.

I don't care about Phil.

But those are all lies; This is very necessary, I should be putting myself in danger, I should be risking everything for him, He's the most important thing to me, He means everything to me, He wants me to get him,

I care about Phil.

I'm going to risk my life and everything I have in order to get him back home.

Because that's what a good husband would do, right?

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