A Change In Personality

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I fumbled with the new silver, slightly rusted key that hung from my name brand keychain. I hated the damn thing. 

I had to have designer clothes, purses, shoes, and that was hard to live with. But having to have a name brand keychain that just gets dirty and shoved around in my purse? It was completely unnecessary. Not to mention it had cost my parents enough money to buy a new pair of shoes or a nice outfit.

But that was my parents for you, it wasn’t about the cost, or god forbid the logic. It was about the name, the brand, the reputation that came with it.

I finally succeeded in pushing the rusted key into the front door of the Styles’ house. I twisted it and pushed open the door, smiling to myself as it opened with ease.

I walked in, throwing my keychain into my large bag filled with clothes. I walked down the hall and into the kitchen to see Anne standing there, sipping on a cup of what I assumed to be tea.

“Scarlet,” She looked up from the counter and smiled largely at me, a smile that met her eyes. She placed her tea on the counter before walking around it and pulling me into a hug, making me drop my bag and laugh lightly, hugging her back.

“I feel so weird just walking into your house without knocking or ringing the doorbell.” I admitted as I sat across from Anne at the small, beat up kitchen table. 

Anne laughed, waving her hand in the air as if to say “nonsense.”

“Scarlet, you’re at the house more than I am sometimes. If anyone deserves a key, it’s you. Plus, we love having you around! Not just me and Harry, but Matt and Sam as well.” Anne smiled at me warmly as she stood up to pour a cup of tea for me. I nodded in agreement.

Harry had given me a key two days ago, saying that I could come by any time. And that he wanted me to come by as much as possible. I knew part of the reason was because of Woods staying in my house.

At first, I had been slightly pissed off that he was trying to lock me in his house and didn’t trust me. But then Sierra had brought up that if the rules were reversed, and Harry had an ex girlfriend staying with him, I would have wanted him to do the same thing and stay over my house.

She definitely had a point, which is why I agreed. I took the key, and hooked it onto my keychain. It was the first house key I had ever had. My house was always opened by a butler or maid, not a key. We had no use for them.

“Thanks,” I said as I took the small tea cup from her and took a sip. “Where is Harry?” I wondered aloud.

“Oh, he dropped by real quick after school, grabbed some stuff and then left. I’m assuming he’s out with the boys. He’s almost eighteen, you know. It’s hard for me to keep tabs on him, even though I try.” Anne sighed, sounding somewhat defeated. I felt a pang of guilt for her. 

She knew Harry was involved in a gang. But she also probably knew that it was the gang that helped keep the roof over their heads and the food in their mouths. How could she get in the way of that?

“He’s probably just out with the guys.” I agreed, giving Anne a reassuring smile that made her face light up a bit. “I was just wondering because I didn’t even tell him that I was coming over.”

“Let me guess…” Anne glanced over the table at me and looked up and down my outfit, which consisted of a cream pants suit, a tucked in white flannel, and a cream blazer with gold buttons. Accompanying the outfit from hell were designer heals, gold earrings, and a golden necklace with a diamond center. “Charity event?”

I laughed at Anne’s guess and shook my head.

“Nice guess, but no. It was a sponsored event. My dad is trying to win new investors and my dad likes to show off, so the business sponsored a dinner and show. Needless to say, it was hell.” I sighed.

“Sweetie,” Anne giggled, grabbing my hand. “That outfit looks so uncomfortable, even I want you out of it.”

“Trust me, I know.” I agreed. “I brought a change of clothes.”

“Are you spending the night?” Anne asked, standing up and rinsing her cup of tea out into the sink and then setting it in the dishwasher.

“If that’s alright with you.”

“How many times must I tell you?” Anne asked, turning around to look at me with wide eyes. “You never have to ask if it’s alright with me, to stay here. You’re always welcome. Even if you and Harry break up, not that you will, you’ll still be welcome! You’re like family now. So don’t ask again, or I may have to ruin one of your nice little business suits.”

“Please do.” I smiled, standing up to rinse my tea cup. 

“Do your parents know where you are?” Anne asked curiously as she stood across from me. I sighed, tucking a small piece of loose hair that had fallen from my tight bun, behind my ear.

“No. They think I’m at Sierra’s.” I mumbled, looking at Anne. 

“It’s a shame.” Anne shook her head in disappointment. “If only they listened to you, they’d know that you liked it here.”

“They still think Harry is just some phase of mine, like I’m trying to make some statement or something. My mom still refuses to call him anything but ‘that boy’ and my dad, well, he just doesn’t really mention him.”

“I may not be the best mom in the world, but even I can see the difference in both of you, and I’ve only known you for about two months.” Anne replied, adjusting her shirt. “You both are so much happier. Harry rarely skips school now, he’s not moody, and I’m not sure if he’s quit completely, but his clothes don’t reek of cigarettes anymore.”

“That’s still a work in progress.” I commented about the cigarettes, making Anne smile with pride at me. 

“You two are good for eachother. And I’m not just saying that because you’re a good influence on him. I know he was drinking and smoking and doing god knows what else. I know you’ve helped him stop. But that stuff is just the outside stuff that pretty much anyone can see.”

I nodded, agreeing with Anne as she continued.

“And I’m sure that’s what your parents see. They see Harry as mess and you’re the girl that is trying to fix him and is getting tainted along the way. But-“

“But there’s more than that.” I finished for Anne. She nodded, looking at me intently. 

“Harry’s helped me emotionally.” I said aloud. I had never really spoken about it before. I knew he had changed me, but saying out loud was just…different. 

“He’s helped me not be the perfect little girl my parents want, and helped me become my own person. I’m happier now than I was before. I was just doing whatever I was told. Now I do things to make myself happy.”

“Exactly.” Anne grinned at me. “That’s why you two are such a good match. Unexpected, but a perfect fit. You don’t clash. You complement each other perfectly.”

Anne’s cellphone rang from her pocket, interrupting our conversation. She grabbed the beat up phone and flipped it open.

“Hello?” She paused, listening. “Tonight? When?” Another pause. “Right now? Uh, yeah. Yeah I guess I can.” I heard talking from the other line as Anne nodded to herself. “Alright, bye.”

“Everything okay?” I questioned as Anne hung up.

“I just got called into work, and on my day off. I promised the boys I’d make them dinner because they’ve been eating leftovers and microwaved meals all week and now I can’t-“ I cut off Anne’s nervous rant and grabbed her arms.

“Go to work, I’ll make dinner for them.”

“Scarlet, you don’t need to do that.” Anne said, shaking her head. I could see how stressed she looked. She wanted to be a stay at home mom, be there for her sons, cook for them, tuck them into bed, watch movies with them. But she couldn’t if she wanted them to survive.

“It’s the least I can do. I’m not the best cook but I can do, uh,” I racked my brain for a meal that I could cook that didn’t include any type of foreign words, and that Anne would have ingredients for. “Spaghetti?”

“Matt and Harry love spaghetti!” Anne said, as she grabbed her purse. “Sam as well.” 

“Perfect. Go to work and don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” I promised her as I watched her throw her shoes on and tie them.

“Matt,” Anne called down the hall, and then looked back at me. “I don’t want you to do it by yourself. Have him help you, okay?”

A minute later, Harry’s younger brother Matt came down the hall. He smiled at me and raised his eyebrows at my outfit. I stuck my tongue out at him, rolling my eyes. He laughed, throwing his head back.

“Honey, I just got called into work. But Scarlet is going to make dinner for you guys can you please help her?”

“I’d love too.” Matt said, glancing at me and smiling wickedly. I smirked as I started boiling water on the old stove.

Anne grabbed her bag, said goodbye, and was out the door within two minutes. Matt came over next to me and folded his arms over his broad chest.

“What do you want me to do?”

“You don’t have to help me.” I smiled, “It’s really not that hard to make this meal.”

“Oh.” Matt nodded. “Well…I can keep you company.” 

“I’d like that.” I replied, opening the sauce to simmer it in a pan. “I feel like I have hardly seen you lately.”

“That’s because you and Harry are either out or in his room making out.” Matt said bluntly. My mouth opened slightly as I looked at Matt with widened eyes.

“I’m almost seventeen, I’m not an idiot.” Matt laughed. I shrugged innocently.

“I feel like he has hardly been around these last few days.” I replied. Ever since the day Harry came over and found out about Woods, he hadn’t been around as much.

“Yeah he’s been with Jay for the past three days. It’s fucking weird.” Matt mumbled.

“Jay? One of the gang leaders?” I repeated, looking at Matt. “Why?”

“Who the hell knows? I asked him yesterday because I saw texts on his phone between him and Jay and they were texts on where to meet up. So they’ve been together for the past few days. But when I asked him, he freaked the fuck out for no damn reason.”

“Why would he freak out?” I asked. Matt sighed, shrugging.

“I don’t know. But it kind of scares me. Jay is powerful and not a good guy. There’s a reason people cross to the other side of the street when they see him. And Harry used to just see him when he had too, no more than necessary. But it’s different now. I can tell.”

All of this new information somewhat scared me. What about college? It was almost November, and graduation was only about six months away. Harry was supposed to use these six months to slowly break away from the gang.

But now it sounded like he was just getting deeper in.

What the hell?

My silence must have gone noticed by Matt because he stopped setting the table and walked over to me.

“Are you okay?” He asked in a quiet voice.

“I’m fine.” I said, giving him a small smile. “Jay just makes me really nervous.”

“I don’t like Harry being around him either.” Matt said. “I understand.”

“It’s just li-“ I was cut off by the front door opening. Harry walked in, his head down. He was dressed in tight dark jeans, black boots, and a grey hoodie with the hood up and a few dark curls peaking out from under the hood.

A cigarette hung from in between his red lips, as he walked into the kitchen. He looked up and his eyes immediately met mine, his face lightening up.

“Baby,” He spoke, his arms immediately reaching forward for me, like a kid with grabby hands. 

He took two long strides towards me, pulling me against his chest. I smelled in, closing my eyes as I hugged him back tightly.

I pulled back, looking up at him. He had a slight bruise on his cheek, which I chose to ignore for the time being. I reached up, grabbing the cigarette from Harry’s lips.

He smirked, leaning down to kiss me. I pressed my lips to his. Somehow, even though he smoked, he mostly tasted of mint, with a faint taste of smoke behind it.

“Can you not makeout in the same room where I fucking eat?” Matt grumbled as he served himself the spaghetti and sauce I had cooked. I laughed, pulling away from Harry. Harry on the other hand, smacked the back of Matt’s head.

“Are you hungry?” I asked, looking back at Harry. He shook his head, grabbing my hand.

“I ate at Jays.” He mumbled. Matt and I exchanged a look, which Harry seemed to notice because a hard expression came onto his face. He grabbed my hand in a tighter grip and pulled me down the hall.

“Sam, dinners ready.” I said into Sam’s room as we passed it, walking to Harry’s room. He nodded and smiled.

Harry dragged me into his room, shutting the door. His hands immediately wound around my waist, pulling me towards him.

“I want to get you out of this outfit.” Harry growled his hands roaming over my body intensely, touching all the right spots.

The first thing he did was bring his large hand up to my hair, untying the tight bun on top of my head. My hair cascaded down my back, to the small of my back.

“So sexy,” Harry mumbled, his green eyes scanning up and down my body.

“Harry,” I spoke out. His hand continued to rub over my body, going up and down my back to my waist and cupping my ass, bringing me closer to him.

“Hm?” He asked, leaning down to swipe his tongue against my neck. I felt light headed and had butterflies in my stomach, but all that I could think of was Jay.

“Why have you been around Jay so much?” I blurted. I felt Harry stiffen above me.

“I haven’t.” He said shortly, my eyes burning into his.

“Matt says you have, and you’ve hardly been around these past few days.” I replied, cocking my head to the side slightly.

“Why the hell is it Matt or your business?” Harry snapped, his face hardening.

“It’s just a question.” I said, widening my eyes at how defensive Harry was getting. I took a step back from Harry, folding my arms over my chest, noticing that Harry had managed to unbutton three buttons of my flannel shirt, so that my red bra was visible.

“What the fuck does it matter?” He growled, looking at me.

“Why are you getting so damn defensive?” I asked, my voice raising like Harry’s.

“Because I don’t need you acting like my mom. I can do whatever the fuck I want, with who I want. This is why I never had a girlfriend, because they all get nosey and in my fucking business.”

A hurt look came on my face as I took another step away, feeling as if Harry had slapped me across the face.

“You really know how to make me feel good, don’t you Harry?” I spoke, my voice cracking. Harry’s hardened expression immediately softened and he reached for me, only to have my flinch.

“Don’t touch me.” I spat, walking around Harry to grab my bag.

“Don’t leave.” Harry pleaded, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him. I tried to rip myself from his grip, only to have him push me up against the wall of his bedroom.

“Harry,” I spoke. “Get the hell off of me.”

Harry chose to ignore my words and pressed his lips against mine. I stood there unresponsive, shoving my hands against his chest. When that didn’t work, I brought my hand back, slapping Harry’s cheek loudly. He stumbled back quickly, holding his cheek.

I felt a pang of regret. Harry already had a bruise on the same cheek where I had just slapped him.

“Did you just hit me?” He asked, feeling a cheek. I could see the swelling start already, my hand was tingling as well. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

I backed up further so that my back hit the wall again. Harry’s eyes had darkened slightly more than before, and the playfulness was gone. I shut my eyes closed, turning my head so that Harry’s lips missed mine, and landed on my cheek.

He started to sponge kisses up and down my neck, me whimpering in the process. I felt trapped, his hands pushing my hips up against the wall.

“I’m sorry.” Harry’s voice was raspy, sending chills down my back. “You know I love you.” His nose nudged my head slightly, so that my eyes met his. 

“You can just say something like that, and expect and apology to make everything better.” I said stiffly. Harry’s hand lifted, moving away a stray piece of hair.

“Will this make it better?” Harry asked, mumbling against my neck. His tongue swiped against his lips and then pressed against my neck, his hot breath giving me goose bumps.

“No.” I spoke breathlessly, Harry’s hands tightening around me possessively. 

“You know how much I need you. I love you, Scarlet. I need you.” Harry’s voice was low and filled of emotion.

I stayed silent and nodded, my eyes staying on Harry’s. I was becoming weak, I could hardly resist Harry anymore. A month or so ago, I would have walked out and never come back if someone had said the things Harry had just said.

But when it came to Harry, it was like everything was different. I forgave him instantly. I loved him. I forgot all the mean things he ever said to me.

“I’ll never let you leave me, never. You’re mine. You can’t leave me. You’re mine.” Harry seemed to be repeating those words over and over, as if implanting the idea into my brain.

“I’m yours, Harry.” My voice was hardly a whisper. Harry’s arms were wrapped tightly around me, his hold on me tight. And just like that, I fell against him. 

That glimpse of the monster I saw in him should’ve been enough to make me run away, to make me end things. It wasn’t good. It was unhealthy. Yet, it seemed to just draw me in more, digging me in deeper with Harry Styles.




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