A Glimpse Of Power

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I sighed in annoyance as I sat down at the dining room table. My mom, my father, Woods, and his parents all sat around me. I rolled my eyes as our home servers brought out large silver platters with food on them. 

My mind wandered to the Styles’ home. Anne would home cook the meals for dinner there and serve them on paper plates, or sometimes glass plates. We didn’t have to sit around a too-big dining room table with golden forks and folded napkins.

The Styles’ dinner food was usually something easy, like spaghetti, hamburgers, roasted chicken, and such. While the dinners at the Thorne household consisted of food I couldn’t even pronounce with creamy sauces, large appetizers, and sweet desserts. Nothing was simple at my house.

Not even the dinner conversation was easy, simple, or comfortable. My parents talked about their social status, my future, or gossip about all the North Side adults. 

But Harry, Anne, Matt, and Sam were so much better to have dinner with. They laughed and joked around with each other. Matt and Sam would continuously throw food at each other whenever Anne would look down. Harry and I would steal glances at each other, and Anne would laugh at everything one of us would say. It was a good time, dinner at the Styles’.

I wished I was there now.

But instead, I got to be sitting next to Woods Knight, my first child like love, my first boyfriend, and also my first kiss. Woods was one year older than me, and also in college.

We dated when I was fifteen, and then we broke up. I had only been in ninth grade at school, but Woods was in tenth. He had broken up with me, making me heartbroken. But I got over it, and since Woods went to a private boarding school, I hadn’t seen him since the break up.

But that was up until about three weeks ago…when he showed up at the Charity Ball when I came with Harry. Long story short, Harry and Woods got into a fight after Woods made a slight move on me as we were dancing. It was a bloody fight that ended with Harry telling Woods he would put a bullet in his head if he ever touched me again.

Needless to say, I hadn’t seen or heard from Woods since that night. And even if I had, I wouldn’t have responded. Harry hated Woods, like hated him. 

And when Harry found out the Woods was staying in my house, in the room across from mine…I was screwed.

“Scarlet?” My mother’s annoying, shrill voice woke me out of my thoughts as I looked at her. “I was talking to you.”

“Oh,” I mumbled, glancing around the table, avoiding Woods’ stare. “Sorry, what?”

“Well I’m sure both you and Woods are a bit confused as to why he is staying here, so we just wanted to clear things up for you.”

“I thought I was staying at home, while I’m away from school?” Woods asked, his deep voice rumbling. 

“You were going too,” Mrs. Knight, Woods’ mother spoke. “But unfortunately the house is getting redone. And your father and I are heading out west to find new places to build.”

Woods’ and his family were rich from the hotel business. They had some of the nicest luxury hotels around the world. Mr. and Mrs. Knight were rarely around because they were constantly travelling to find new places to build and to also keep an eye over construction. They were very picky about their hotels.

“So, we thought, what better way to start off your break than by staying with the Thornes?” Mr. Knight chimed in, taking a sip of wine from a thin crystal wine glass. “After all, you’ve known them since you were born. You and Scarlet grew up together!”

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