Bloody Lips & Cut Faces

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~Harry’s P.O.V~

I turned up the radio in my old beat up car as I drove down the street towards my school, where Scarlet was hopefully still waiting. I turned into the entrance and into the parking lot, and sure enough there Scarlet was.

She was leaning against the side of her perfectly clean red car that probably cost more than my car and all my other possessions combined. She was looking down at her phone, with her golden colored hair whipping in the wind.

I drove up next to her, the sound of my car snapping her out of her trance.

“Need a ride?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and folded her hands over her chest.

“No, I need you to help out with our project.” She said, enunciating the ‘our’. I found myself smirking at her bratty attitude.

“Get in.” I said, leaning across the passengers seat and pushing open the door. She paused and looked at the empty seat before turning back to her car and looking at it. It was as if a battle was going on inside her head.

“I’m not going to hurt you or anything Scarlet.” I said seriously. She looked at me and her blue eyes met mine and that seemed to be enough, because she hopped into the seat without hesitation.

“Where are we going?” she asked. I looked at her and smiled at how nervous she was acting, her hand constantly brushing through her hair.

“You pick.” I replied. “Your house or mine.”

“Yours.” She replied instantaneously. I looked at her curiously and she noticed. “It’s just closer, than mine.” She said quietly.

I nodded but for some reason I felt that wasn’t the actual reason. We drove the short distance to my house until we turned into my small neighborhood.

I suddenly felt somewhat embarrassed. I knew who Scarlet was. I knew where she came from. My house was probably the size of her living room.

I drove down the street, ignoring the curious glances of my neighbors who seemed to be trying their best to get a glance at Scarlet. It didn’t go unnoticed by her either, as she took in a shaky breath and turned towards me.

I gave her a smile, and she returned it slowly, rolling her eyes.

“I’m fine.” She said quietly, smiling shyly. I nodded, a smile still on my face. She wanted to be strong, of course.

I continued down the road until we came to my small, old house. The driveway was empty, but it always was. My mom had to work a lot, to help support us so she was gone until late hours most nights. On rare nights she would get home at 6, and that was a miracle.

And my brothers were out somewhere, fucking shit up with who knows what. They didn’t come home until 6 or 7 most times. And neither did I usually, I was either out with the guys or at the car shop, working.

I parked my car and hopped out, Scarlet doing the same. She grabbed her bag and slung it over her thin shoulder, her eyes scanning the outside of my house.

I somewhat cringed, expecting her to look at my house in disgust. But she didn’t. Not at all. If anything, she only looked more interested in it.

We walked up the few steps to the front door, and I unlocked it with my key. I pushed open the door and held it for Scarlet who stepped in quickly, and looked around.

~Scarlet’s P.O.V~

I stepped into Harry’s house and was immediately met by a homey smell. It smelled like Harry a bit, minus his cologne smell. I looked around the small living room we had stepped in to.

It looked worn out, old, and used. All the small room could hold was a couch, table, and small t.v. They all looked old and worn out as well. Everything in his house did.

The wall above the couch was lined with wooden picture frames, all of boys with curly hair. And a few with a girl with dark hair, or an older woman who I assumed to be Harry’s mom.

I looked at each picture intently. I could pick out Harry in every one, easily. His hair was curliest and darkest, and his eyes greenest. The other two smaller boys, who I assumed to be his little brothers, had more of a slightly wavy head of hair. And their eyes were brown.

Harry shuffled behind me awkwardly, and I turned around to see him looking at me intently like he was waiting for my judgment on his house.

“It’s nothing much bu-”

“I love it.” I cut him off from his nervous rant. It was weird, seeing him nervous. He always had confidence and seemed cocky, but now this was something personal to him.

“It’s nice. And it’s cozy.”

That seemed to be enough for Harry, as he just gave me a small smile and nodded, walking next to me. I pointed what to what looked like a fairly recent photo of him, 2 boys, and a girl.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“Those are my two little brothers Sam and Matt.” He said, pointing to the two boys, one looked about a year or two younger than us, the other about three years younger.

“They’re so cute.” I laughed quietly.

“Pain in the ass too.” He mumbled. “But I don’t mind living with them sometimes.”

“Do they go to our school?” I asked.

“Sam does. He’s two years under us. Matt’s still in middle school though.”

I nodded silently.

“And that,” He pointed to the girl hugging him in the picture. “Is my sister, Haley.”

“She looks like you.” I commented. Harry nodded silently and stared at the picture.

“I haven’t seen her in almost a year.” He mumbled quietly.

“Why?” I asked, before I could stop it. Harry looked at me, his green eyes full of sadness.

“She graduated high school last year and got out of this town as soon as she could.” He replied. I felt a pang in my chest. Haley’s story sounded so similar to my brother Charlie’s it hurt. I knew how hard it was for me to have my brother leave me behind in this hell of a town, I bet Harry felt the same way.

“Do you think we’ll ever get out of this town?” I asked as I took a seat on the worn couch. Harry chuckled and shook his head.

“No offense Angel, but…why do you want to get out of this town? You’re Scarlet Thorne.”

“How do you know my last name?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“News travels fast at South Pacific, including last names.” He replied. He sat next to me on the couch and smirked.

“Yeah, well sometimes there’s more underneath than you see on the surface. Even with families.” I said. Harry seemed to understand because he just nodded.


An hour and a half later, Harry and I had our project outline and paper finished. I was throwing all of my papers into my bag when Harry’s front door banged open loudly, causing us both to jump up.

“Haz!” A few voices called out as 4 boys walked in noisily. But as soon as their eyes fell on me they froze. Well, all except Zayn who just smirked and checked me out. As usual.

“Hey guys.” Harry said through gritted teeth, and his jaw was clenched. I sat back down on the couch awkwardly as they walked fully into the living room and sat down next to me or on the floor, making themselves comfortable.

“Sup, Scar?” Louis asked as he raised his eyebrows at me, throwing in arm around the back of the couch near my shoulder. “Long time no see. How’s the snow princess?”

“Lou.” Harry growled. “Watch it.”

“Snow princess?” I asked, confused. But Harry cut me off before I had a chance to question Louis farther.

“So you already know Zayn and Louis.” Harry said. “That’s Liam.” He pointed to a brunette who waved lightly. “And that’s Niall.” He finished, as the blonde haired boy smiled at me.

“Nice to meet you.” I said, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the way they looked at me…like I was some different type of species.

“Nice of you guys to drop by, but we’re busy.” Harry said, walking to the front door. He leaned forward to open it, but didn’t have a chance as it opened on it’s own and an older woman walked in holding bags.

“Mom!” Harry said, obviously surprised to see her standing there. Me and the rest of the boys sat there silently as Harry’s mom set down her bags and pulled Harry into a tight hug.

He hugged her back just as tight, and I felt a smile come on to my face. You could just tell their body language and the looks in their eye, that Harry and his mother were really close.

Badass or not, he still had a soft spot for his mom.

“Oh. Hello boys, how are you?” Harry’s mom said cheerfully. She was a nice looking mother, sweet but you could tell she had been through her hard times.

I was guessing one of those hard times was raising her kids alone, as I hadn’t seen a photo of a dad anywhere, or even heard Harry mention one.

“Hey Anne!” Each boy said just as happily and innocently as she came into the living room and hugged each of them.

“And who is this?” She asked as she noticed me for the first time. I stood up and held out my hand.

“Hi, I’m Scarlet.” I smiled at her. “I’m a…friend of Harry’s.” I said, could you technically even call us friends?

“Nice to meet you Scarlet.” She grinned at me sweetly, disregarding my hand and pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I tensed for a moment before hugging her back.

I couldn’t remember the last time my mother or father had hugged me. Hell, I couldn’t remember the last time anyone hugged me other than a close friend. And even that had been a good while ago.

“You too, Mrs. Styles.” I replied as she pulled away from our hug.

“Oh honey, call me Anne.”

“Anne.” I corrected myself. She tapped my cheek lightly before walking back into the kitchen that was across from the living room.

“You’re staying for dinner, aren’t you?” She asked me expectantly. I looked at the guys, who watched me with amused faces. I look towards Harry who just stood there, looking nervous.

“O-oh, no. No, but thank you. I was just leaving anyway.” I said, grabbing my bag from next to the couch.

“Oh please stay. I don’t remember the last time I had another girl at my dinner table. It’s always just me and my boys.” She gave me a big smile. “Oh, and these guys too sometimes.” she laughed, pointing towards Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall.

I looked back towards Harry, wondering if he would even want me to stay. For once, my parents wouldn’t be a problem for me. Tuesday’s was their ‘friend night’. My mom went shopping with her friends, and my dad went golfing with his.

“You don’t have to if you feel…” Harry whispered, “uncomfortable here.” I looked at him, a bit surprised. That wasn’t it at all.

“I’d love to stay,” I said to Anne. “As long as it’s not a bother.”

“Oh of course not!” She replied as she continued bustling around the kitchen. “And what about you guys, you staying for dinner?”

“No thanks!” They all yelled from the living room as they got up.

“We actually have some work to do tonight.” Liam sighed as they reached the door.

I couldn’t help but wonder what Liam meant about work, because all of the other boys nodded along with him. And they all had miserable looks on their faces.

They said goodbye to Anne, giving her another hug goodbye before going to the front door.

“See you tomorrow Haz,” Lou said. “You too, Scarlet.” He smirked before walking out the door, followed by Liam, Niall, and Zayn. Before closing the door behind him, Zayn turned back and winked at me.

Which didn’t go unnoticed by Harry as he shoved Zayn through the door and slammed it in his face. He turned back towards me so it was just me and him in the front hall now.

“Harry!” Anne called from the kitchen, his head snapped in her direction. “I forgot to buy butter. Could you go down the street and ask Rose to borrow some, please?”

“Alright.” Harry yelled back. “Come on.” He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. Once outside, he dropped my hand and I noticed he left a tingly feeling on it.

“Where are we going?” I asked for the second time that day. We walked down the driveway and started down the street.

“Just down a couple of houses, it’s my moms friend, Rose.” Harry replied. We walked down a few houses in silence, our arms occasionally brushing.

“Did you not want me to stay?” I asked quietly. “For dinner, I mean.” Harry looked at me curiously and shook his head.

“Of course not, Angel. I just…I don’t know. I thought you might be feeling like she was pushing you to it.”

“I like your mom.” I laughed. He nodded and ran a hand through his dark locks.

“Yeah she’s alright, I guess.” He said, but he couldn’t hide the growing smile on his face.

We came to what I assumed to be Roses house and Harry stopped.

“Wait here, I’ll be back in one minute okay?” He asked. I nodded and stood at the edge of her driveway as Harry waltzed up the steps and knocked on the door before walking in.

Oddly enough, I felt comfortable. I didn’t think I would, at least not after knowing Harry for only two days. But that was the thing that made Harry a charmer, he made you feel real special, real fast.

“Scarlet?” A low voice called my name and I turned, confused as to who here would know me.

I turned to see Alec Wate walking towards me, he was wearing loose jeans and a sweatshirt that protected him from the strong wind. He had his hands shoved into the front of is pockets, and he looked, well hot.

“Alec?” I asked curiously. He finally reached me and stopped, smiling.

“I thought it was you.” He said. He pointed to the house across the street. “I live there, and I was in my room and I saw the blonde hair.”

So he lived in the same neighborhood as Harry…

“The blonde hair.” I repeated, laughing. He nodded, his perfect smile coming onto his face. “Where were you in science?”

“Oh, uh.” Alec paused, looking around the street. “I had work.” Alec replied, running a hand through his hair, flipping it to the side.

“I missed you, loser!” I said, punching his arm lightly.

“Hey,” He laughed. Next thing I knew his arms were around my waist and he was tickling me.

“Alec!” I squealed. But his hands continued to roam my waist and stomach, each finger that contacted my skin left a burning sensation. I leaned back into Alec’s body, losing my balance.

“Woah.” He said, his hands stopped wandering my body and wrapped themselves firmly around my waist, helping me gain my balance.

“Scarlet.” A husky voice said from behind me and Alec. I jumped away from his hands that felt like they were burning holes into my sides. We turned to see Harry standing there, a less than amused look on his face and a stick of butter in his hand.

“Harry,” I choked out. Harry just looked at Alec with fire in his eyes that scared me. Lea had told me Harry was over his anger with Alec, and it had kind of seemed that way, in Science he just glanced over him. But now, the look in Harry’s eyes was terrifying.

“I actually need to get back home,” Alec said to me, pointing back to his house across the street. I nodded quietly.

“Okay.” I said in a soft voice, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Scar.” He said in a low, gravelly voice. I nodded, next thing I knew, his strong arms were around me and pulling me in for a tight hug.

He let go of me and turned towards Harry, giving him a lasting glance, and turned to walk across the street. I looked towards Harry, his usual green eyes looked almost black and his jaw was clenched so tightly it looked painful.

As soon as Alec’s back was turned, Harry took a quick step forward to him. Luckily, I reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

“Harry stop.” I said in a hushed voice. We watched as Alec walked across the street slowly, Harry’s eyes completely glued on his back.

My grip was still on Harry’s muscular arm. I tugged on him lightly, in the direction of Harry’s house.

“Harry let’s go back to your house.” I said pulling him in the direction of his house. He nodded slowly, tearing his eyes away from Alec. I let go of his arm, and as soon as I lost contact, Harry turned and ran across the street.

“Harry!” I screamed.

Alec turned around at the sound of my screams just in time to duck out of Harry’s punch. Before I knew what I was doing, I was running across the street as well.

Harry and Alec were on top of each other, punching and swearing. They were beating the living shit out of each other as I ran up to them, begging them to stop.

By the time I reached them, Alec had pushed Harry off of him, and was now on top of him. He was punching him over and over, while Harry got one good hit in every once in a while.

“Alec, Alec stop it!” I screamed. I was feeling light headed and I didn’t know what to do. No one else was around. “You’re hurting him!”

When neither Alec nor Harry listened to me, I did the only thing I could. I put my arms on Alec’s shoulders and pulled him back, pulling him out of the violent trance he was in.

He looked at me as if just realizing I was there. Harry was still throwing his own punches, but Alec just stood up and backed away. Harry jumped up from his position on the ground and started towards Alec again.

I ran in between them, not even thinking about it.

“Damn it! Both of you,” I yelled. “Fucking stop!”

My back was to Alec, but I could hear his breathing slow. Harry’s eyes snapped towards me, and I watched as the darkness in his eyes drained out and they became the light green they had been before.

Blood was trickling down from his nose and the same with his cracked lips. I turned to look at Alec, to see he had just as much blood trickling down his face, a cut above his eyebrow and on his cheek.

“Alec go home.” I said in a strong voice that even surprised me. He walked past me, rubbing the blood off of his face with his hand. He had no emotion on his face but pure anger. He walked past Harry without even glancing at him this time.

“Harry.” I said, turning to him. I was surprised to see that he didn’t even look as angry as I thought he would. He looked more sad, actually. “Come here.” I whispered.

He walked towards me, his curls all going in different directions, the blood still gushing, but his eyes soft.

I held his hand, intertwining our fingers. I noticed his hand was shaky, probably from the adrenaline rush going through him. We walked to his house in silence. Once arriving in his house, I sent him to sit in the living room and went into the kitchen to where Anne was going around the kitchen with a content smile on her face.

“Anne,” I said, handing her the butter that I had picked up from the ground earlier.

“Oh thank you sweetie!” She said until she looked at the emotion on my face. “What’s wrong? What happened?” She asked, her brow creasing.

“Harry got in a fight.” I replied. Her eyes widened and I held up my hand. “He’s fine, just a bloody nose and lip, and a few bruises. But…” I paused.

I was dying to ask her what the hell was going on. I had never seen a fight in my life, and I just saw Alec and Harry beat the living shit out of each other.

“Who was it?” Anne asked frantically. “Do you know?”

“Alec.” I replied. “Alec Wate.”

Anne’s whole face changed from worry to hurt to anger. She shook her head before going to the sink and wetting a rag. She went into the living room and gave it to Harry before coming back.

“I just,” Anne shook her head, closing her eyes. “I thought we were passed this. The fighting with Alec.”

“What happened between them, Anne?” I asked desperately. I didn’t just want to know, I needed to know.

“That’s not for me to tell you dear. I’m sorry.” She said, giving me a small smile.

“It’s for Harry.” I concluded. Just like Zayn had told me.

“Harry’s no angel, Scarlet.” Anne said, grabbing my hand. “He’s done bad things, he still does. But he’s an innocent child at heart. You need to know that.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked. She laughed quietly, her hand still holding my wrist.

“I may be old, hon, but I can spot when somebody isn’t from South Pacific.” I smiled and nodded. “Don’t let him scare you, just because of his occasional temper. There’s more to him, I promise.” I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off from my phone.

“Hello?” I asked, answering it. My mothers voice came through.

“Scarlet? Me and Mrs. Grayson are coming home early, we decided to have dinner at our house. So could you do me a favor and tell Felicia to get the kitchen started so we don’t have to eat to late?” She asked. Felicia was our cook at our house.

“O-oh uh, sure mom.” I replied. I hung up quickly and looked at Anne.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t stay. My parents are going to be home and-and I-”

“I understand, honey, don’t worry.” Anne assured me. “Harry! You need to take Scarlet home!” She yelled into the living room.

Harry came in, holding his keys. He had stopped bleeding but his bruises were starting to form.

“Let’s go.” He said in a low voice. I followed him out to the car, my heart beating fast. I needed to get home before my parents, I needed too.

“Do you feel alright to drive?” I asked as he started up the car. Harry smirked at me and turned out of the drive way. Well, apparently he does…

He drove past the school, making me yell.

“Harry! My car!” I said. He looked back and shrugged.

“You won’t be home in time if I take you to the school too.” He said casually.

“And how the hell do you suppose that I’m supposed to get to school tomorrow then Harry?” I snapped. He looked over at me and rolled his eyes.

“I’ll pick you up for school, Angel.” He replied. “Calm down. All you have to do is make up some excuse as to where your car is over night.”

“Oh.” I stuttered. “Well-okay.” I guessed that would work. I pointed out roads and turns we needed to take in order to get to my house on time. Harry turned into my neighborhood and I could tell he felt slightly uncomfortable, by the way his eyes shifted.

“Here.” I said, as he stopped in front of my driveway. He nodded and turned off his car, his eyes scanning up and down my house that was more than triple the size of his.

Not that, that meant anything to me. But I was sure it did to him.

“Are you okay?” I asked carefully. I knew Harry didn’t want to feel pity and babied. His mom had kept her distance from him as well, just handing him the wet rag and checking over his cuts real quick.

“I’m fine.” He replied after a few seconds. “I shouldn’t have let you see that though…”

“I’m sure I’ll see worse, if I keep hanging around you.” I joked but the look in Harry’s eye seemed to tell me that what I had just said was 100% true.

“You shouldn’t hang around me. It‘s not good for you.” He said quietly. He was looking down into his lap. I shook my head.

“Too bad I have too, Styles. Failing this Science Project isn’t an option for me.” I replied. “So for now, that’s my excuse to hang around you.”

Harry looked up, dimples popping into his cheeks, his bruised and cut up face laughing. I opened the car door and got out, slamming it shut.

I turned to walk inside, but paused and turned around again.

“Harry,” I called out. He looked at me out of his car window, his eyebrows raised. “Someone today told me something.”

“What’s that?” He asked, an amused expression playing on his face.

“You’re telling people to stay away from me.” I said, as I readjusted my bag onto my shoulder. Harry laughed quietly and started up his car, and for a moment I thought he wasn’t going to answer me.

“If you’re asking why, then that’s easy.” He replied. “I’m telling people that for the same reason I hit Alec after he touched you today.”

I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head curiously.

“Which is?”

As usual, Harry smirked before answering, his eyes travelling my body.

“I don’t like sharing what’s mine.”

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