Chapter 43

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Chapter 43:

After what had happened, we carried Luke back to Casus. All the children woke up and everything was fine. The only problem was we still couldn’t believe he was dead. We laid him down on my bed and sat down quite. I knew there must be a way to help him; I just had to figure it out. Jude and Broody never uttered a word. Cassie was in her own little world. She was still weak with puffy eyes from crying.

Everybody was crying. This was the one time death managed to get to us. We couldn’t even know where he was.

“Someone should talk to her you know?” I heard a thundering voice behind me.

“And say what? He did all this to protect let’s celebrate?” I said sarcastically as I looked into Lucifer’s eyes.

“She is still young. She is dooming her life by her own hands. I don’t think Luke would want that. Don’t you agree?”

I sighed because I realized he was right. Luke did what he did so that we all would live not mourn his death. No one though mentioned Adam except for Sam. Everyone else was just distant.

“Cassie?” I asked as I walked into her room.

She was sitting by the window looking at the sunset. Her nose was red and her eyes were puffy from the crying. She had two black holes under her eyes. She was in her pajamas and hugging her legs. She didn’t even sense me come in.

“Cassie…” I sighed as I took her in a hug. “It’ll be okay baby girl, I promise.”

“No mom, it won’t be. It never will be.” She said as she let me go and stood up. “He’s gone mom! HE IS FUCKING GONE. DEAD, HE IS DEAD. IT’S NOT OKAY AND IT NEVER WILL BE OKAY. DON’T COME IN AND TELL ME THAT BULLSHIT LIKE IT WOULD HELP. HE’S GONE…” She said before she broke down on the floor. “Gone…”

“Honey, he did what he did to protect us all. He would want you to move on in your life not kill yourself slowly.”

“What if I can’t? It’s not enough that he is gone; Adam also took my shoes in the whole orbit thing and died as well. Not to mention, I bet dad is disappointed in me for my choice of men. Mom; that’s the worst thing of all! I can’t take it. I can’t bare the guilt anymore.” She said as she buried her face in my chest.

I knew she would blame herself. Cassie had a big heart and that was the only thing that hurts a lot. I hugged her closely and whispered it’ll be okay. I had to do something to make her calm down. I remembered then that one song I used to sing for her to sleep as a kid when she had nightmares.

I carried her to the bad and she laid down her head on my shoulder, still crying.

“Put your lips close to mine, As long as they don't touch

Out of focus, eye to eye, Till the gravity's too much

And I'll do anything you say, If you say it with your hands

And I'd be smart to walk away, But you're quicksand

This slope is treacherous, This path is reckless

This slope is treacherous, And I, I, I like it

I can't decide if it's a choice, Getting swept away

I hear the sound of my own voice, Asking you to stay

And all we are is skin and bone, Trained to get along

Forever going with the flow, But you're friction

This slope is treacherous, This path is reckless

The Children: The Battle Against Time (book 5)Where stories live. Discover now