Chapter 42

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Chapter 42:

~Alex’s P.O.V. ~

I directly ran into the forest in search for one big black orbit. Looking for it in the middle of the darkness wasn’t a good idea, but I had no other choice. The rain was still pouring and the thunder never stopped. The louder it got the closed I got.

After running for a minute or so, I found it. It was behind the cliff at the end of the forest. I looked up and it was huge. Lighting and thunder erupted from it. I looked close and found almost three gigantic tornadoes forming up inside of it. My eyes widened with fear. If they get loose, we would be in real trouble. They were nothing like anything I faced before. This orbit will doom us all.

“Oh my God” I heard someone say behind me.

I turned around to find Luke staring in bewilderment as well. His face lost color as he looked into the orbit.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as the wind started to pick up around us.

“Robert told me that a human can end this.”

“Not really, nope.” A high pitched, glass breaking voice said.

We both turned around and found Amy standing there fixing her nails.

“What do you mean?” Luke yelled at her.

“The orbit needs a human soul, dark magic and a pure soul to be stopped. It also needs dark magic and a pure soul to grow bigger and stronger. The human is what kills it. Your baby Alex, is all these. That’s why we need you alive.” Amy said as her blue eyes glistered. “Lucky us the orbit already has both a pure soul and dark magic. That’s the down side to you Saviyer, they are your daughters.” She said with a smirk.

Did she just say daughters? Both my daughters had been dragged into this madness? Her last words made me boil inside out and I couldn’t control myself.

“Where is she?” I yelled at her as I grabbed her by the neck.

“In the orbit… being dissolved and used… as we speak.” She said in between coughs.

“I’m going in.” Luke yelled as he prepared himself to jump.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Amy chocked and I let her go. “Thanks bitch, anyways, if you jump, you, Cassie, and Valery die. Don’t you get it, there is no way out.” She said as she started to laugh.

“That can’t be.” Luke said before holding Amy by the hair and throwing her straight into the orbit.

We heard her screams and saw her flesh melt in front of our eyes. It was quite the scene to see. I then looked left and found Cassie in the middle of some black fog. To the right was Valery in the same condition as her sister.

“VALERY, CASSIE, WAKE UP!” I yelled but it was no use.

Valery was unconscious and Cassie was too weak to even reply. I couldn’t reach Valery because she was in the sky but Cassie was on the ground beside. I directly ran her way. The fog wouldn’t allow me to even go and get her. The only way to save both my daughters was to sacrifice myself.

“Don’t even think about it Alex.” Luke said grabbing me by the waist before I jumped. “You have a child in you, what about that?”

“I have to save my daughters Luke, I have too! Look at them, they are dying. They are dying Luke!”

I couldn’t help but collapse in Luke’s arms as he held me close trying to soothe my pain. It was of no use. My two daughters were dying in front of my eyes and I couldn’t do anything to help. I could do nothing, nothing! I began to cry, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

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